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Metadata.NSW (beta)


This dashboard presents statistics on child protection and Out-of-Home Care (OOHC) outcomes for vulnerable children and young people and their families.
The key performance indicators reported in this dashboard are grouped into the five core elements of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principle (ATSICPP): Prevention, Partnership, Participation, Placement and Connection. Data for most of these indicators include Aboriginality and District breakdown.

Framework Dimensions


  1. Data considerations:
    - Data are suppressed for totals or a subset of total that contain < 5 records due to small numbers and to protect privacy
    - Children and young people seen by DCJ caseworkers' measure is a new performance measure which was introduced after ChildStory was in place during 2017-18; it is not directly comparable to the ‘children and young people receiving face-to-face assessments’ measure reported for earlier years (2014-15 to 2016-17)
    - Due to the introduction of ChildStory, the out-of-home care (OOHC) counting rules have been changed for 2017-18. Data at 30 June 2018 and onwards are not directly comparable to historic data for the following performance measures:
    - Children and young people in OOHC
    - Children and young people entering OOHC
    - Children and young people entering OOHC for the first time
    - Children and young people in statutory OOHC.
  2. Population data: 0 - 17 years
    - NSW Total: ABS Estimated Resident Population
    - Aboriginal data: ABS Estimates and Projections for Aboriginal children 0-17 years
    - District by Aboriginality: a. 2014-15 to 2016-17: Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2016 Census b. 2017-18 to 2020-21: The district data are derived from a customised population data by LGA from ABS. ABS 2016 Census by District and Aboriginality was used to derive the number of Aboriginal children on the assumption that the population across all districts increase at the same rate at the national level. The number of non-Aboriginal children is derived by the difference between District and NSW Total and the derived number of Aboriginal children by district. c. 2021-22 onwards: The district data are derived from a customised population by LGA from ABS. The Aboriginal % per district in comparison to NSW from 2021 Census are applied to the NSW Total to derive for each District. The same proportion will be applied to derive Aboriginal data by district for following years.
  3. The total number of children in OOHC by number of distinct placements for NSW at 30 June each year excludes children where placement information was not available. For example at 30 June 2021, placement information was not available for 1 record so the sum of records reported in the dashboard is 15,874 while the total number of children in OOHC at 30 June 2021 was 15,875.


Data Source----Child protection data
    - Prior to 2017-18, KiDS/Corporate Information Warehouse (CIW)
    - After 2017-18, ChildStory/Corporate Information Warehouse (CIW)