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FACSIAR Data Governance Committee (active)

Data dictionary

Data dictionary for NSW Dept. Communities and Justice/FACSIAR Data Governance Committee (Registration Authority) showing concepts registered as Standard on .

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Name Definition Registered from Registered until
Person: Sexual Orientation Different Indicator, No/Yes Code N Data Element A code that represents whether a person's sexual preference is different to the preferences described Nov. 25, 2021 --
Person: Sexual Orientation Heterosexual Indicator Data Element Concept Whether a person is sexually attracted solely to people of the opposite sex. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Person: Sexual Orientation Heterosexual Indicator, No/Yes Code N Data Element A code that indicates whether a person is sexually attracted solely to people of the opposite sex. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Person: Sexual Orientation Homosexual Indicator Data Element Concept Whether a person is sexually attracted solely to people of one's own sex. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Person: Sexual Orientation Homosexual Indicator, No/Yes Code N Data Element A code that indicates whether a person is sexually attracted solely to people of one's own sex. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Person: Sexual Orientation Not Stated Indicator Data Element Concept Whether a person's sexual preference is not stated or inadequately described. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Person: Sexual Orientation Not Stated Indicator, No/Yes Code N Data Element A code that represents whether one's sexual preference is not stated or inadequately described. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Person: Sexual Orientation Queer Indicator Data Element Concept Whether a person is sexually attracted to sexual and gender identities other than straight and cisgender. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Person: Sexual Orientation Queer Indicator, No/Yes Code N Data Element A code that represents whether one is sexually attracted to sexual and gender identities other than straight and cisgender. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Person: Sexual Orientation Undisclosed Indicator Data Element Concept Whether a person prefers not to disclose their sexual orientation. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Person: Sexual Orientation Undisclosed Indicator, No/Yes Code N Data Element A code that represents whether a person prefers not to disclose their sexual orientation. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Person: Short-Term Accommodation Type Data Element Concept    Whether a person is residing in short-term or emergency accommodation. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Person: Short-Term Accommodation Type, No/Yes Code N Data Element A code that indicates whether a person is residing in short-term or emergency accommodation. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Person: Sibling Count Data Element Concept The count (number) of siblings of a child/young person. July 7, 2021 --
Person: Sibling Disability Status Data Element Concept Whether a sibling of a person as been identified as having a disability, impairment or condition. July 7, 2021 --
Person: Sibling Disability Status, Indicator X(5) Data Element A code that represents whether a sibling of a person as been identified as having a disability, impairment or condition. July 7, 2021 --
Person: Siblings, Number NNN Data Element The total (count) of siblings of a child/young person. July 7, 2021 --
Person: Sleeping Rough Accommodation Type Data Element Concept Whether a person is sleeping rough or in non-conventional accommodation. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Person: Sleeping Rough Accommodation Type, No/Yes Code N Data Element A code that indicates whether a person is sleeping rough or in non-conventional accommodation. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Person: Source of Income Data Element Concept The source of income for an individual. April 8, 2021 --
Person: Staff Identifier X(30) Data Element A label representing an individual who performed an action within a particular system, as generated by that system. Aug. 8, 2024 --
Person: Suburb/town/locality name Data Element Concept The full name of the locality contained within the specific address of a person. April 8, 2021 --
Person: Suburb/town/locality name, Text X(50) Data Element The full name of the locality contained within the specific address of a person, as represented by text. April 8, 2021 --
Person: Support Hours - Total Data Element Concept Total number of support hours provided. July 7, 2021 --
Person: Support Hours - Total, Hours N[NN] Data Element Total number of support hours provided to a child/young person. July 7, 2021 --
Person: Transition from Care or Custody Indicator Data Element Concept Whether a person is transitioning to independence from care or custody. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Person: Transition from Care or Custody Indicator, No/Yes Code N Data Element A code that indicates whether a person is transitioning to independence from care or custody. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Person: Youth Hope End Date Data Element Concept The date an activity ceased. July 7, 2021 --
Person: Youth Hope End Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD Data Element The date the client exited is considered to have been disengaged from the service, in the format DD/MM/YYYY. July 7, 2021 --
Person: Youth Hope Referring (Other), Label X(51) Data Element Label representing where a child/young person was referred from, if not from DCJ. July 7, 2021 --
Physical Abuse Flag Property Flag based on presence of any physical abuse issue Sept. 12, 2024 --
Physical Address Indicator Property An indicator of whether an address is describing the physical, geographical location of an entity. Jan. 13, 2023 --
Physical Disability Flag Property Whether there is an impairment, which may have diverse effects within and among individuals, including effects on physical activities such... May 20, 2021 --
Physical Disability Services Property Support and assistance specifically for the client’s physical disability. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Physical Health Service Flag Property Whether physical health services are needed where the client is seeking to change the impact of their physical health on their... May 20, 2021 --
Placement Object Class Out-of-home care placement record. Jan. 13, 2023 --
Placement: Aboriginal Placement Principle Data Element Concept Aboriginal placement principle (Aborignality of the carer and placement type) only applied to children who are identified as Aboriginal. Jan. 13, 2023 --
Placement: Aboriginal Placement Principle, Yes/No Code A Data Element A code indicating whether Aboriginal Placement Principle have been applied. Jan. 13, 2023 --
Placement: Data Source Data Element Concept The data source of placement in OOHC Jan. 13, 2023 --
Placement: Data Source, Label A(30) Data Element The data source of out-of-home care placement, as represented by a label. Jan. 13, 2023 --
Placement: Entry Indicator Data Element Concept A flag to identify a placement as the placement entry Jan. 13, 2023 --
Placement: Entry Indicator, Yes/No/NA Code A(A) Data Element A code/flag to identify a placement as the placement entry Jan. 13, 2023 --
Placement Entry Reason Property The reason for entering a placement Jan. 13, 2023 --
Placement: Entry Reason Data Element Concept The reason for a child entering a placement Jan. 13, 2023 --
Placement: Entry Reason, OOHC Label A(50) Data Element Out of home care (OOHC) placement entry reason, as represented by a label Jan. 13, 2023 --
Placement: Exit Indicator Data Element Concept A flag to identify a placement as the placement exit Jan. 13, 2023 --
Placement: Exit Indicator, Yes/No/NA Code A(A) Data Element A code/flag to identify a placement as the placement exit Jan. 13, 2023 --
Placement Exit Reason Property The reason for exiting a placement Jan. 13, 2023 --
Placement Identifier Property A sequence of characters which uniquely identifies a placement Jan. 13, 2023 --
Placement-Living Arrangement Property A descriptor of the class of care category. Jan. 13, 2023 --