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FACSIAR Data Governance Committee (active)

Data dictionary

Data dictionary for NSW Dept. Communities and Justice/FACSIAR Data Governance Committee (Registration Authority) showing concepts registered as Standard on .

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Name Definition Registered from Registered until
Person: NSW Department of Communities and Justice District, Label A(25) Data Element The area (district) where the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) is responsible for the delivery of services to... Aug. 8, 2024 --
Person: Number of Siblings 0-8, Total NNN Data Element The total (count) of siblings that are between 0-8 years of age of a child/young person. July 7, 2021 --
Person: Number of Siblings 9-15, Total NNN Data Element The total (count) of siblings that are between 9-15 years of age of a child/young person. July 7, 2021 --
Person: Number of Workgroups Data Element Concept The number of workgroups counted to which a person belongs. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Person: Number of Workgroups, Total NNN Data Element The total number of workgroups counted to which a person belongs. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Person: Occupation Data Element Concept A descriptor of a person's habitual employment; business, trade, or calling. Jan. 13, 2023 --
Person: Occupation, Code (ANZSCO 2013 Version 1.2) N(6) Data Element The code that identifies a person's occupation. Jan. 13, 2023 --
Person: Ongoing Support Period Indicator Data Element Concept An indicator to show a child/young person with a ongoing support period in the reporting period Nov. 25, 2021 --
Person: Ongoing Support Period, Indicator Code N Data Element An indicator to show a person with an ongoing support period in the reporting period. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Person: OOHC Plan Goal Data Element Concept Plan Goal for a child or young person in the Out Of Home Care (OOHC) program Jan. 13, 2023 --
Person: OOHC Plan Goal, Group Label X(50) Data Element A grouped label (description) representing the Plan Goal for a child or young person in the Out Of Home Care (OOHC)... Jan. 13, 2023 --
Person: OOHC Plan Goal, Label X(50) Data Element A label (description) representing the Plan Goal for a child or young person in the Out Of Home Care (OOHC) program Jan. 13, 2023 --
Person: OOHC Plan Type Data Element Concept The type of OOHC plan for a service to a person. Jan. 13, 2023 --
Person: OOHC Plan Type, Label X(20) Data Element A code that represents the type of OOHC plan for a service to a person. Jan. 13, 2023 --
Person: Parent/Carer Data Element Concept The count (number) of immediate parents/carers of a child/young person. July 7, 2021 --
Person: Parent/Carer, Number NNN Data Element The total (count) of immediate parents/carers of a child/young person. July 7, 2021 --
Person: Participation type Data Element Concept The role of a given person at a session. April 8, 2021 --
Person: Participation type, Label A(10) Data Element The code that represents the role of a given person at a session. April 8, 2021 --
Person: Physical Disability Flag Data Element Concept Whether a person has an impairment, which may have diverse effects within and among individuals, including effects on physical activities such... May 20, 2021 --
Person: Physical Disability Flag, Yes/No Label A(10) Data Element A label that represents whether a person has an impairment, which may have diverse effects within and among individuals, including... May 20, 2021 --
Person: Placement Management Data Element Concept Placement Management for a child or young person in the program Jan. 13, 2023 --
Person: Placement Management, label X(20) Data Element A label (description) representing the Placement Management for a child or young person in the program Jan. 13, 2023 --
Person: Plan Approval Status Data Element Concept Approval status of a CYPs case plan Jan. 13, 2023 --
Person: Plan Approval Status, Label X(30) Data Element Approval status of a Child or Young Person's case plan, as represented by a label Jan. 13, 2023 --
Person: Plan Participation Data Element Concept Participation in a case plan by the child/young person. Jan. 13, 2023 --
Person: Plan Participation, Label X(50) Data Element Participation in a case plan by the child/young person, as represented by a label. Jan. 13, 2023 --
Person: Preferred Language Data Element Concept The preferred language spoken by a given client. May 4, 2022 --
Person: Preferred Language, Label X(50) Data Element The preferred language spoken by a given client, represented by a label. May 4, 2022 --
Person: Presenting Alone Indicator Data Element Concept Whether a person first requested assistance alone or unaccompanied in the case of a child under 16 years of age. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Person: Presenting Alone Indicator, No/Yes Code N Data Element A code that indicates whether a person first requested assistance alone (also referred to as unaccompanied in the case of... Nov. 25, 2021 --
Person: Primary assistance needed Data Element Concept The service of chief importance that is required by a person. May 20, 2021 --
Person: Primary assistance needed, Binary Identifier N(4) Data Element A binary representation of the Targeted Earlier Intervention service/s of chief importance that is required by a person. Aug. 8, 2024 --
Person: Primary assistance needed, Service Type TEI Code X(20) Data Element A code that represents the Targeted Earlier Intervention service of chief importance that is required by a person. May 20, 2021 --
Person: Primary Cultural Background Data Element Concept The main or predominant ethnic, religious, racial, gender, linguistic or other socioeconomic factors and values that shape a person’s upbringing. May 4, 2022 --
Person: Primary Cultural Background, Label X(25) Data Element The label that represents the main or predominant ethnic, religious, racial, gender, linguistic or other socioeconomic factors and values that... May 4, 2022 --
Person: Principal Source of Cash Income, SHS Code NN Data Element A code that represents the source from which a person derives the greatest proportion of his/her income. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Person: Pseudonym Indicator Data Element Concept Whether the name used is fictitious or an alias of a human being. April 8, 2021 --
Person: Pseudonym Indicator, No/Yes Code N Data Element Whether the name used is fictitious or an alias of a human being, recorded as a numeric code representing 'true'... April 8, 2021 --
Person: Psychiatric Disability Flag Data Element Concept Whether a person has an impairment associated with clinically recognisable symptoms and behaviour patterns frequently associated with distress that may... May 20, 2021 --
Person: Psychiatric Disability Flag, Yes/No Label A(10) Data Element A label that represents whether a person has an impairment associated with clinically recognisable symptoms and behaviour patterns frequently associated... May 20, 2021 --
Person: Reason Case Plan Does Not Exist, Youth Hope Label X(50) Data Element A label that describes the reason a case plan is not developed for the child/young person. July 7, 2021 --
Person: Reengage Date Data Element Concept The date a child/young person reengaged with the service. July 7, 2021 --
Person: Reengage Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD Data Element The date a child/young person reengaged with the service. July 7, 2021 --
Person: Reengage Indicator Data Element Concept An indicator to show if a child/young person has reengaged with the service July 7, 2021 --
Person: Reengage Indicator, X(5) Data Element Whether or not a child/young person has reengaged with the service, as represented by a code. July 7, 2021 --
Person: Reengage Reason Data Element Concept The reason why a child/young person re-engaged with the service. July 7, 2021 --
Person: Reengage Reason, Text X(180) Data Element The reason why a child/young person re-engaged with the service. July 7, 2021 --
Person: Referral Identifier Data Element Concept A sequence of characters which uniquely identifies a referral for an individual. Sept. 9, 2021 --
Person: Referral Identifier, N(5) Data Element A sequence of characters which uniquely identifies a referral for an individual. Sept. 9, 2021 --
Person: Referral Pathway Data Element Concept The referral pathway for a child/young person. July 7, 2021 --