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FACSIAR Data Governance Committee (active)

Data dictionary

Data dictionary for NSW Dept. Communities and Justice/FACSIAR Data Governance Committee (Registration Authority) showing concepts registered as Standard on .

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Name Definition Registered from Registered until
IFBS Step Down: Period of time in IFBS Program Data Element Concept The period of time the family completed in a step-down program. Sept. 9, 2021 --
IFBS Step Down: Period of time in IFBS Program, 6 to 9 Month Range Code X(7) Data Element A code that represents the number of months in 6 monthly ranges, the duration of time the family completed in... Sept. 9, 2021 --
IFBS Step Down: Period of Time Since Referral Data Element Concept The time elapsed since a "step down" referral has been made from an Intensive Family Preservation (IFP) service provider, where... Sept. 9, 2021 --
IFBS Step Down: Period of Time Since Referral, Total Days N(5) Data Element The number of days since a "step down" referral has been made from an Intensive Family Preservation (IFP) service provider,... Sept. 9, 2021 --
IFBS Step Down: Period of Time Since Referral, Total Weeks N(4) Data Element The number of weeks since a "step down" referral has been made from an Intensive Family Preservation (IFP) service provider, where... Sept. 9, 2021 --
IFBS Step-down Recommendation Property Whether an Intensive Family Based Service referral has been recommended to move to step-down. Sept. 9, 2021 --
IFBS Step Down: Start Date Data Element Concept The date an Intensive Family Based Services step-down intervention with a family begins. Sept. 9, 2021 --
IFBS Step Down: Start Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD Data Element The date expressed as YYYYMMDD an Intensive Family Based Services step-down intervention with a family begins. Sept. 9, 2021 --
IFBS Step Down: Termination Date Data Element Concept The date the Step-down provider was required to end the Intensive Family Based Services intervention before the agreed date due to... Sept. 9, 2021 --
IFBS Step Down: Termination Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD Data Element The date expressed as YYYYMMDD the step-down provider was required to end the Intensive Family Based Services intervention before the... Sept. 9, 2021 --
IFBS Step Down: Termination Phase Data Element Concept The phase that an Intensive Family Based Services intervention was in when it terminated. Sept. 9, 2021 --
IFBS Step Down: Termination Phase, Label X(9) Data Element A code label that represents the phase that Intensive Family Based Services intervention was in when it terminated. Sept. 9, 2021 --
IFBS Termination Phase Label X(9) Value Domain A code label representing the phase that an IFBS referral was in when it terminated. Sept. 9, 2021 --
IFBS Termination Reason Label X(69) Value Domain The reason the IFBS service was terminated for a family Sept. 9, 2021 --
IFBS Timing X(9) Value Domain A code list representing if the IBFS Service Episode was delivered on time as scheduled, or over or under the... Sept. 9, 2021 --
IFBS Workflow Status Code X(16) Value Domain A code set that represents the workflow stages or status of an IFBS referral. Sept. 9, 2021 --
IFP Exit Reason Description A(60) Value Domain A label (description) set representing the reason the family exited from program. May 4, 2022 --
Impacted by COVID 19 Property Difficulties experienced by COVID 19 such as health and or inability to pay for accommodation, food, bills or other essentials. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Improved Child Wellbeing Property Initial stressor, now identified as a strength following assessment on exiting program. May 4, 2022 --
Improved Environment Property Initial stressor, now identified as a strength following assessment on exiting program. May 4, 2022 --
Improved Family Interactions Property Initial stressor, now identified as a strength following assessment on exiting program. May 4, 2022 --
Improved Family Safety Property Initial stressor, now identified as a strength following assessment on exiting program. May 4, 2022 --
Improved Parental Capabilities Property Initial stressor, now identified as a strength following assessment on exiting program that includes the duties, powers, responsibilities and authority... May 4, 2022 --
Improved Social Support Property Initial stressor, now identified as a strength following assessment on exiting program that includes access to assistance and comfort of... May 4, 2022 --
Inadequate or Inappropriate Dwelling Conditions Property Household stress from overcrowded, unsuitable or unsafe dwelling conditions. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Income Frequency Property A measure of a period of time for which an amount is being paid. April 8, 2021 --
Incorporation Type Property The type of legal process used to form a corporate entity or company. April 8, 2021 --
Incorporation Type Label Value Domain The code set that represents the type of legal process used to form a corporate entity or company. April 8, 2021 --
Indicator Code A(3) Value Domain A code set representing 'yes', 'no', or 'unknown' Jan. 13, 2023 --
Indicator X(5) Value Domain A label that specifies either True or False used in fields containing binary answers. July 7, 2021 --
Indigenous Indicator Code N(2) Value Domain A code set that specifies either Indigenous or Non Indigenous used in fields containing binary answers. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Indigenous Sibling Count Property The total (count) of siblings who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. July 7, 2021 --
Indigenous Status Brighter Futures Code X(40) Value Domain A code set from Brighter Futures representing categories of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin. June 22, 2021 --
Indigenous Status FaCS Grouped Label X(14) Value Domain An Indicator of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander status, expressed via the codes Aboriginal or Non Aboriginal. May 4, 2022 --
Indigenous Status Label A(10) Value Domain A label set representing categories of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin. April 8, 2021 --
Indigenous Status Label X(40) Value Domain A label set representing categories of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin. Jan. 13, 2023 --
Indigenous Status Label X(40) Value Domain A label set representing categories of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin. Jan. 13, 2023 --
Industry Type Property A descriptor of the type of industry in which an entity operates. Jan. 13, 2023 --
Industry Type (ANZSIC 2nd Edition) Code NNNN Value Domain The Australian New Zealand Standard Industry Classification (ANZSIC) (2nd edn) code set representing an industry of operation. Jan. 13, 2023 --
Infrastructure Object Class Specialisation The basic physical and organisational structures and facilities (e.g. buildings; roads; power supplies) needed for the operation of DCJ. Nov. 20, 2021 --
Ingest Type Property The process of transporting data from one or more sources to a target site for further processing and analysis. May 4, 2022 --
Ingest Type Label A(6) Value Domain A label used to represent a process type of file ingestion May 4, 2022 --
Inner City Sydney Location Property Whether one is located in the Inner City of Sydney area. Nov. 25, 2021 --
In Partnership Property An indicator of whether a service provider is in partnership arrangement with DEX Aug. 8, 2024 --
Insert Method Property A number that ensures an entity is unique. April 8, 2021 --
Insert method code A(2) Value Domain A code set representing insert method. April 8, 2021 --
Institutional Sector Property An insitutional unit with with broadly similar characteristics and behaviour. Jan. 13, 2023 --
Institutional Sector (SESCA 2008) Code NNNN Value Domain A code set representing the institutional sector to which an agency belongs. Jan. 13, 2023 --
INTEGERNUMBER Data Type A whole number (not a fraction) that can be positive, negative or zero. March 11, 2021 --
Intellectual Disability Services Property Support and assistance specifically for the client’s intellectual disability. Nov. 25, 2021 --