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Metadata for IAC0410  covering tables released for calendar years 2012 to 2019. Each related table contains data for a specific calendar year.

  • Attendance data for NSW government schools only. The attendance rate is calculated as (1 minus absences divided by enrolled days) multiplied by 100.
  • All students in Years 1 to 10 in NSW government schools are regarded as full-time.
  • Kindergarten, Year 11, Year 12 students have been excluded in the attendance rates.
  • Ungraded (support) student attendance rates are included as a separate row and excluded from Primary and Secondary totals. Ungraded students in NSW government schools are classified as either primary or secondary according to their level of education.
  • Distance education and Schools for Special Purposes’ attendance data is not currently collected.
  • Bushfires affected many schools' attendance in Term 4 2019 and should be taken into account when comparing Semester 2 data to other years.
  • Prior to 2018 absences equalled ‘all full day absences for the period in question’.
  • In 2018, NSW government schools implemented the national standards for student attendance data reporting. This resulted in a fall in attendance rates for most schools due to the inclusion of partial absences and accounting for student mobility in the calculation. Data for 2018 is not directly comparable with earlier years.


Data source details

Format type
Creative Commons Attribution
Path name Data Element Definition Data Type Format
grade Student: Scholastic Year Group, Label X

The scholastic year level or year level group in which a student is enrolled.

semester_1_aboriginal_% Student: Aboriginal Attendance Rate by Scholastic Year, Semester N

The attendance rate of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students in a particular scholastic year level or levels, by school semester.

Specific Information:
Data covers Semester 1.
semester_1_non-aboriginal_% Student: Attendance Rate by Scholastic Year, Semester N

The attendance rate of students in a particular scholastic year or years, by school semester.

Specific Information:
Data covers Semester 1 and does not include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.
semester_1 _all_students_% Student: Attendance Rate by Scholastic Year, Semester N

The attendance rate of students in a particular scholastic year or years, by school semester.

Specific Information:
Data covers Semester 1.
semester_2_aboriginal_% Student: Aboriginal Attendance Rate by Scholastic Year, Semester N

The attendance rate of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students in a particular scholastic year level or levels, by school semester.

Specific Information:
Data covers Semester 2.
semester_2_non-aboriginal_% Student: Attendance Rate by Scholastic Year, Semester N

The attendance rate of students in a particular scholastic year or years, by school semester.

Specific Information:
Data covers Semester 2 and does not include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.
semester_2_all_students_% Student: Attendance Rate by Scholastic Year, Semester N

The attendance rate of students in a particular scholastic year or years, by school semester.

Specific Information:
Data covers Semester 2.
full_year_aboriginal_% Student: Aboriginal Attendance Rate by Scholastic Year, Calendar Year N

The attendance rate of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students in a particular scholastic year level or levels, by calendar year.

Specific Information:
Data covers the full schooling year.
full_year_non-aboriginal_% Student: Attendance Rate by Scholastic Year, Calendar Year N

The attendance rate of students in a particular scholastic year level or levels, by calendar year.

Specific Information:
Data covers the full schooling year and does not include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.
full_year_all_students_% Student: Attendance Rate by Scholastic Year, Calendar Year N

The attendance rate of students in a particular scholastic year level or levels, by calendar year.

Specific Information:
Data covers the full schooling year.