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Metadata.NSW (beta)

Concept help - Distribution

A Distribution describes the structure and format of a specific downloadable collection of data. Multiple Distributions that capture different parts of data or provide different formats for data may be grouped into a single Data Set.

A distribution represents an accessible form of a dataset as for example a downloadable file, an RSS feed or a web service that provides the data.

Fields available on this metadata type

Field ISO definition
Name The primary name used for human identification purposes.
Definition Representation of a concept by a descriptive statement which serves to differentiate it from related concepts. (3.2.39)
Is Federated
Is Not Federable
Version Unique version identifier of this metadata item.
References Significant documents that contributed to the development of the metadata item which were not the direct source for the metadata content.
Origin The source (e.g. document, project, discipline or model) for the item (
Comments Descriptive comments about the metadata item (
Deleted The date after which the item has been soft deleted and is no longer visible in the registry
Release Date Date of formal publication of the distribution.
Modification Date Most recent date on which the distribution was changed, updated or modified.
License This links to the license document under which the distribution is made available.
Rights Information about rights held in and over the distribution.
Access Url A landing page, feed, SPARQL endpoint or other type of resource that gives access to the distribution of the dataset.
Download Url A file that contains the distribution of the dataset in a given format.
Byte Size The size of a distribution in bytes. This can be approximated when the precise size is not known.
Media Type The media type of the distribution as defined by Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).
Format The file format of the distribution, for example .XLS, .CSV or .DAT.

Custom Fields

Field Short definition Long definition
Security Classification [Core] Security classification of information
[Core] Security classification of information The security classification applied to the asset as specified by the Australian Government Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF) The Australian Government uses 3 security classifications: * PROTECTED * SECRET * TOP SECRET All other information from business operations and services is OFFICIAL or, where it is sensitive, OFFICIAL: Sensitive. [NB: the old UNCLASSIFIED classification was renames OFFICIAL (see PSPF v2018.1 Sep 2018)] The originator of the data asset is responsible for applying the relevant Security Classification. This attribute relates to Sensitive Data and Access Rights.
Sensitive Data [Additional] The type of sensitivity of the data asset, where applicable.
[Additional] The type of sensitivity of the data asset, where applicable. If Security Classification, as specified by the Australian Government Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF), has value “OFFICIAL: Sensitive”, provide type of sensitivity. Where multiple sensitivity types exist within the data asset, provide the most restrictive dissemination limiting marker (DLM). This attribute relates to Security Classification and Access Rights.
Data Custodian [Core] The custodian(s) of the data asset.
[Core] The custodian(s) of the data asset. The custodian is the agency who has the control of the data asset and has the authority for sharing and disclosure. The custodian may not be the publisher (see Publisher attribute). According to the Data Availability and Transparency Act 2022: “An entity is a data custodian if the entity: (a) is a Commonwealth body; and (b) is not an excluded entity; and
Contact Point [Core] Key data roles. The relevant contact information from which information for the asset can be obtained
[Core] Key data roles. The relevant contact information from which information for the asset can be obtained: Directorate, Asset owner position, Asset steward position, Current Owner, Current Steward, Subject matter expert, External Custodian
Keyword [Core] Word(s) or tags that describe the data asset subject matter.
[Core] Word(s) or tags that describe the data asset subject matter. These word(s) or terms describe the topic(s) covered by the data asset. It answers the question “what is this data asset about?” and supports data discovery. When selecting keywords, consider what search terms your users may choose when searching for the data asset. It is recommended to include at least one term from the Australian Governments’ Interactive Functions Thesaurus (AGIFT) that covers words and terms related to Australian Government agencies’ core business functions and activities. Also include words such as Indigenous, Disability or Gender if appropriate to better support the Government’s priority data activities. Where multiple keywords apply, separate the terms with a comma ‘,’.
Resource Type [Core] The type of data asset being described
[Core] The type of data asset being described This attribute specifies the type of data asset. The most common types of data asset applicable are listed below with their definitions. (This attribute could be supplemented by attribute Format.) collection an aggregation of items. The term collection means that the resource is described as a group; its parts may be separately described and navigated. dataset structured information encoded in lists, tables, databases, etc., which will normally be in a format available for direct machine processing. For example - spreadsheets, databases, GIS data, midi data. Note that unstructured numbers and words would be considered as text. image the content is primarily symbolic visual representation other than text. For example - images and photographs of physical objects, paintings, prints, drawings, other images and graphics, animations and moving pictures, film, diagrams, maps, musical notation. Note that image may include both electronic and physical representations. interactive resource a resource which requires interaction from the user to be understood, executed, or experienced. For example - forms on web pages, applets, multimedia learning objects, virtual reality. model an abstraction of the real thing, i.e. some generalisation and interpretation. Models could be considered a symbolic representation. Examples include performance models, cost models, mechanical models, etc. service a system that provides one or more functions of value to the end-user. Examples include: a photocopying service, a banking service, an authentication service, interlibrary loans, a Z39.50 or Web server. software a computer program in source or compiled form which may be available for installation non-transiently on another machine. For software which exists only to create an interactive environment, use interactive instead. sound a resource whose content is primarily audio or intended to be realised in audio. For example - music, speech, recorded sounds. This category includes musical notation, including score, which is unrealised in sound.
Temporal coverage to [Additional] The end period for which this data asset is applicable.
[Additional] The end period for which this data asset is applicable. The data asset may not have an end date if it is being continually added to, in which case, a value is not required. E.g. a data service or data portal. This field is related to the attribute Temporal coverage from.
Temporal coverage from [Additional] The start period for which this data asset is applicable
[Additional] The start period for which this data asset is applicable. Temporal coverage refers to the time period that a data asset covers, which may be broader than a single collection. E.g., a data service or data portal. This field is related to the attribute Temporal coverage to.
Spatial Dimension Geospatial Coverage
Geospatial Coverage
Update Frequency [Additional] The frequency at which new, revised or updated versions of this data asset are made available.
[Additional] The frequency at which new, revised or updated versions of this data asset are made available. For data assets regularly released, one data asset record will represent a series; separate records will not be required per update. Agencies will determine when a new record is required for a data asset, based on changes in methodology, collection and related policies.
Purpose [Additional] A descriptive summary of the intentions with which the asset was developed.
[Additional] A descriptive summary of the intentions which the data asset was developed and proposed to be used for. (This field supplements the attribute Description)
Legal Authority [Additional] All legal mandates under which the data asset was collected, created, received, used or disclosed.
[Additional] All legal mandates under which the data asset was collected, created, received, used or disclosed. Legal mandates could include Memorandum of Understanding; Legislation; Machinery of Government; Government policies or acts; etc. It could include the authority, e.g. (Australian Government) Federal Register of Legislation or Data Availability and Transparency Act 2022. Where multiple legal mandates exist, separate their URLs with a comma ‘,’. This information may be sourced through the agency’s legal department.
Disposal [Additional] The disposal action to which the data asset is subject to
[Additional] The disposal action to which the data asset is subject to Where multiple disposal actions exist within the data asset, provide the longest retention period. Refer to “18.3 Disposal Action” within AGRkMS V2.2 (June 2015) for guidance. This information may be sourced through the agency’s legal department. e.g. “Destroy 3 years after contract is terminated” “Destroy 7 years after last entry” “Destroy 75 years after date of birth of employee” “Retain as national archives”
Data Status [Additional] A status that describes the state of progression or registration of the data asset.
[Additional] A status that describes the state of progression or registration of the data asset. This refers to the status of the data asset registration within the inventory, not the status of the data asset itself. • Planned - Registration is planned • Under Development - Registration in progress (not all attributes populated) • Completed - Registration complete
Language [Additional] Language of the asset.
[Additional] The language used within the data asset. This refers to the language used within the data asset - e.g. "English”. The default value may be set to “English”. Some agencies may have assets containing languages other than English, in which case the Australian Standard Classification of Languages (ASCL) can be used.
Publisher [Additional] The name of an entity responsible for making the asset available.
[Additional] The agency that made the data asset formally available. The publisher is the agency that formally produced and released the data asset and controls any future version release. The Publisher may not be the custodian (see Data Custodian attribute), e.g. Office of the National Data Commissioner (ONDC) The default value may be your agency. If the asset is published by another agency, use a term from the Government Directory, NGO List or Research Organisation Register. This field is related to attribute Data Custodian.
Spatial Accuracy Accuracy statement for the dataset.
Accuracy statement for the dataset. Eg. The dataset maintains a positional relationship to, and alignment with, the Lot and Property digital datasets. This dataset was captured by digitising the best available cadastral mapping at a variety of scales and accuracies, ranging from 1:500 to 1:250 000 according to the National Mapping Council of Australia, Standards of Map Accuracy (1975). Therefore, the position of the feature instance will be within 0.5mm at map scale for 90% of the well-defined points. That is, 1:500 = 0.25m, 1:2000 = 1m, 1:4000 = 2m, 1:25000 = 12.5m, 1:50000 = 25m and 1:100000 = 50m. A program of positional upgrade (accuracy improvement) is currently underway.
Spatial Reference System Spatial reference system (SRS) or coordinate reference system (CRS) framework
A spatial reference system (SRS) or coordinate reference system (CRS) framework used to precisely measure locations on the surface of the Earth for the source dataset. Eg. GDA94/MGA zones 54/55/56 EPSG: 4326
Spatial Extent The allowable range or m, x, y, and z coordinates for spatial data
The allowable range or m, x, y, and z coordinates for spatial data. Eg. Full State or Blacktown LGA
Coordinate System Survey coordinates system
Survey coordinates system including first Geocentric Datum of Australia (GDA) information and Map Grid of Australia (MGA)
EPSG Code Unique EPSG code for selected survey coordinates system
Unique EPSG code for selected survey coordinates system
Height Datum Adopted height system for the survey project
Adopted height system for the survey project

Official Definition

An accessible form of a dataset as for example a downloadable file. Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT): 5.4 Class: Distribution