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FACSIAR Data Governance Committee (active)

Data dictionary

Data dictionary for NSW Dept. Communities and Justice/FACSIAR Data Governance Committee (Registration Authority) showing concepts registered as Standard on .

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Name Definition Registered from Registered until
Data Exchange: Referral To Key Data Element Concept A key representing the type of service/s selected for referral to as captured in the Data Exchange. Aug. 8, 2024 --
Data Exchange: Referral To Key, Referral Identifier N(5) Data Element A binary representation of the type of service/s identified for a client's referral. Aug. 8, 2024 --
Data Exchange: Service Area Type Data Element Concept The type/category of area within which a service is being delivered, as captured by the Data Exchange. Aug. 8, 2024 --
Data Exchange: Service Area Type, Name X(18) Data Element The type or category of area within which a service is being delivered, as represented by a label. Aug. 8, 2024 --
Data Exchange: Session identifier Data Element Concept A system-generated identifier for a unique session record in the Data Exchange. April 8, 2021 --
Data Exchange: Session identifier, X(19) Data Element A number that represents a system-generated identifier for a unique session record in the Data Exchange.   April 8, 2021 --
Data Source Property Source of data/information collected Jan. 13, 2023 --
Data Source Label A(30) Value Domain Data Source of CYP priority placement Jan. 13, 2023 --
Date Property A sequence of numbers identifying a particular year, month, and day Jan. 13, 2023 --
Date Object Class The day of the month and year as specified by a number. April 8, 2021 --
DATE Data Type A date, or partial date (e.g. just year or year + month) as used in human communication. The format is... March 11, 2021 --
Date Accuracy Code AAA Value Domain A code set representing the extent to which the recorded Date is accurate, estimated or unknown. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Date: Accuracy Indicator Data Element Concept An indicator of the accuracy of the components of a reported date. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Date: Accuracy Indicator, Code AAA Data Element A code that represents the accuracy of the components of a reported date. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Date: Estimate indicator Data Element Concept An indication of whether any component of a reported date was estimated. April 8, 2021 --
Date: Estimate indicator, No/Yes Code N Data Element An indicator of whether any component of a reported date was estimated. April 8, 2021 --
Date of Death Property The date on which an individual died. Jan. 13, 2023 --
Date of first arrival in Australia Property When an individual emigrated to Australia with the intention of staying at least one year. April 8, 2021 --
Date Range MMM-MMM YYYY Value Domain The date measured in months of a year within which an event or observation occurred. April 8, 2021 --
Date Stepped Down from Receiving Intensive Service Delivery Property The date a family stepped down from receiving ‘intensive service delivery’ May 4, 2022 --
DATETIME Data Type A combined format of both date and time. Definition  Value domains utilising the DateTime datatype may optionally combine it with a time of day... March 11, 2021 --
DateTime Stamp Property A sequence of characters or encoded information identifying when a certain event occurred, at a particular time of day, sometimes... April 7, 2021 --
DateTime YYYY-MM-DD[Thh:mm:ss] Value Domain A date in YYYY-MM-DD format which has the time element of 00:00:00 automatically appended to it. June 22, 2021 --
Date YYYYMM Value Domain The month of a particular year. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Date YYYY / MM Value Domain A date in YYYY / MM format Jan. 13, 2023 --
Date YYYYMMDD Value Domain The date of a particular year, month and day. May 20, 2021 --
Date YYYY-MM-DD Value Domain A calendar date in YYYY-MM-DD format Jan. 13, 2023 --
Day DD Value Domain A day of a calendar month. Aug. 8, 2024 --
Day Label A(9) Value Domain The name of the day of a week Aug. 8, 2024 --
Day of week N Value Domain The day of the week is the sequential day number starting with day 1 on Sunday Aug. 8, 2024 --
Day of year NNN Value Domain The day of year (DOY) is the sequential day number starting with day 1 on January 1st. Aug. 8, 2024 --
DCJ Area Label A(60) Value Domain A label (textual code set) representing the District to grouping details of Department of Communities and Justice Districts in NSW Jan. 13, 2023 --
DCJ Comments/Issues Property Any additional information that is useful and relevant Aug. 8, 2022 --
DCJ District Code NN Value Domain A code representing a Department of Communities and Justice District in NSW. Nov. 25, 2021 --
DCJ District Code NNN Value Domain A code set representing a Department of Communities and Justice District in NSW. April 8, 2021 --
DCJ District Label A(25) Value Domain A label (textual code set) representing a Department of Communities and Justice District in NSW. May 4, 2022 --
DCJ Region Code List XX Value Domain A code set representing a Department of Communities and Justice Region in NSW. April 8, 2021 --
DECIMAL Data Type A sequence of numeric characters which do include fractions. March 11, 2021 --
Decision Date Property The date on which a decision was made, based on an assessment, about the course of action to take. Sept. 12, 2024 --
Declined Reason Property The reason a service was not delivered. Sept. 9, 2021 --
Declined Reason - Other Property An additional explanation of why the service episode was declined, when the reason was given as "Other" Sept. 9, 2021 --
Decline Reason IFBS Label X(53) Value Domain A code set representing the reason the service episode was declined. Sept. 9, 2021 --
Deidentification Hash Value Domain Information that has been de-identified using a one-way encryption technique (hashing) to ensure that a person is not identifiable.   Jan. 13, 2023 --
Delivery Organisation identifier Property A sequence of characters which uniquely identifies an organisation that has been directed to provide services. April 8, 2021 --
Delivery Point Identifier Australia Post (DPID) X(11) Value Domain An alphanumeric identifier, forming part of an address, used to identify the channel of postal delivery. OR A sequence of assigned characters which... Jan. 13, 2023 --
Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) Region Property The nine regions where the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) are responsible for the delivery of DCJ services across... April 8, 2021 --
Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) Card Status Property The status of DVA Card. April 8, 2021 --
Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) Card Status Code X(6) Value Domain A code set representing the status of DVA Card. April 8, 2021 --
DEX Participation type label A(10) Value Domain A label set representing the roles an individual can fulfil at a session. Aug. 8, 2024 --
DEX_ref_assistance_needed Distribution Data about the reason clients sought assistance is collected to inform service planning to better respond to presenting needs. The... Aug. 8, 2024 --