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Metadata for IAC0400 covering data tables released for calendar years 2015 to 2022. Each related table contains data for a specific calendar year.

  • LBOTE students are those in whose home a language other than English is spoken by the student, parents, or other primary caregivers.

  • Preschools include the 98 preschools attached to government primary/infant schools, Dubbo School of Distance Education, School of the Air and the John Brotchie Nursery School. Government funded community preschools and NSW Centre-Based services that provide a preschool program in NSW are not included.

  • Students include children enrolled in a preschool or an Early Intervention program that is run by a NSW government school. These government preschool classes provide full-time or part-time schooling at pre-primary level.

  • LBOTE enrolment figures are collected in March of each year. Most other collections use enrolment data that are collected as part of the Mid Year Census in August.

  • Indian and Chinese Languages are included as a combined total, and also as separate distinct languages. Therefore Indian and Chinese data appears twice in the table.

  • Due to rounding issues, the total percentage for Indian and Chinese Language groups may be slightly different to the sum of the distinct languages. ‘Other language groups’ includes languages with small enrolments. The total number of languages included in ‘Other language groups’ is specified in the notes at the bottom of the table.

For more information, refer to the LBOTE quality statement found at Data.NSW.

Data source details

Path name Data Element Definition Data Type Format
Languages Student: Language Background, Other Than English Text X

The language background of a student, other than English. 

Specific Information:

Languages are either specific or where the specific language is not an available option, this describes the region of the world the language is spoken (ie, 'African Other'). 

This path includes a 'NSW Total' value which covers all languages other than English.

Students Student: LBOTE Enrolments by Language Background, Count N

The headcount of Language Background Other than English (LBOTE) student enrolments that are from a particular language background.

Specific Information:

Data includes children enrolled in a preschool or an Early Intervention program that is run by a NSW government school. 

% of LBOTE Student: Proportion of LBOTE Enrolments by Language Background, Percentage N

The proportion of Language Background Other than English (LBOTE) student enrolments that are from a particular language background.

Specific Information:

Data includes children enrolled in a preschool or an Early Intervention program that is run by a NSW government school. 

