Metadata for IAC0392 covering data table 'NSW public schools master dataset'.
Student enrolment numbers are based on the census of government school students undertaken on the first Friday of August.
School information, such as addresses and contact details, are updated regularly as required, and are the most current source of information.
Data is suppressed for Indigenous and Language Background Other Than English (LBOTE) percentages where student numbers are equal to, or less than five.
National Schools Statistics Collection (NSSC) out of scope schools will not have an enrolment figure.
NSSC and LBOTE figures are updated annually in December.
ICSEA values are updated every April with the previous year's ICSEA values.
Student enrolments are generally reported in full-time equivalent units (FTE). The FTE for students studying less than 10 units, the minimum workload, is determined by the formula: 0.1 x the number of units studied and represented as a proportion of the full-time enrolment of 1.0 FTE.
Data relating to healthy canteen is no longer up to date as it is no longer updated by the Department, this data can be sourced through NSW health.
Data source details
Path name | Data Element | Definition | Data Type | Format |
School_code | School: Identifier, Master Code N |
The official jurisdictional school code issued by NSW Department of Education to identify a government school (different to other school codes that are issued by Commonwealth, ACARA or NESA). |
AgeID | School: Identifier, AGEID N |
A unique identifier issued by the Department of Education, Skills and Employment (Commonwealth) for a school. Also known as a Australian Government Education ID number (AGEID). |
School_name | School: Name, Official Text X |
The official name by which a school is recognised and known, as signed off by the NSW Education Minister. |
Street | School: Address Line, Text X |
A composite of one or more standard address components that describes a low level of geographical/physical description of a location of a school. |
Town_suburb | School: Suburb/Town/Locality Name, Text X |
The suburb, town or locality of the school's address. |
Postcode | School: Postcode, Australian Code N |
The Australian postcode of a school's address. |
Phone | School: Telephone Number, Text N |
A telephone number of the school. |
School_Email | School: Email Address, Text X |
A school's email address. |
Website | School: Web Address, URL Text X |
The URL address of a school's website. |
Fax | School: Facsimile Number, Text X |
The number of a school's facsimile (fax) machine; used to transmit documents, pictures, etc. |
latest_year_enrolment_FTE | School: Student Enrolments, FTE Total N |
The total full-time equivalent student enrolments in an individual school.
Specific Information:
Enrolments are as reported under the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) National Schools Statistics Collection (NSSC).
Indigenous_pct | School: Proportion of Student Enrolments by Aboriginality, FTE Percentage N |
The proportion of full-time equivalent students in a school who are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.
Specific Information:
Enrolments are as reported under the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) National Schools Collection (NSSC). |
LBOTE_pct | School: Proportion of Student Enrolments by LBOTE, Headcount Percentage N |
The proportion of students (by headcount) in a school who are from a language background other than English (LBOTE).
Specific Information:
A student is considered LBOTE if in their home a language other than English is spoken by the student's parents or guardians. |
ICSEA_value | School: Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage, ICSEA Text N |
The Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage (ICSEA) of a school.
Specific Information:
Sourced from ACARA. The ICSEA is a national measure of average school socio-educational advantage. The national average is 1000 with a standard deviation of 100. Higher values indicate greater socio- educational advantage, lower scores indicate greater disadvantage. Generated every year based on students’ parental education and occupation background, as well as student Aboriginal status and school remoteness. |
Level_of_schooling | School: Type, Label X |
The type of school, based on the level of schooling. |
Selective_school | School: Selective Status, Label A |
Indicates whether a school is fully selective, partially selective or not selective.
Specific Information:
For more information on selective schools, see Department of Education: Selective high schools. |
Opportunity_class | School: Opportunity Class Flag, Y/N Code A[1] |
An indication of whether opportunity classes are offered at a School.
Specific Information:
Opportunity classes are for high potential and gifted students in Year 5 and 6, however not all schools with opportunity classes offer both Year 5 and Year 6 classes. For more information on opportunity classes, see Department of Education: Opportunity Classes (Years 5-6). |
School_specialty_type | School: Speciality, Label A |
The specific focus area that a school specialises in.
Specific Information:
Most NSW public schools are 'comprehensive', however some schools offer a specialty as well. A speciality provides more extensive and targeted support where this is relevant and necessary to strengthen a student’s academic achievement, specific skills or interests, emotional wellbeing, and/or social development. For more information on school specialties, see Department of Education: Specialist Settings in NSW public schools. |
School_subtype | School: Type, Sub-type Label X |
The sub-type of a school.
Specific Information:
This is a further breakdown of a school type. It is useful for differentiating junior secondary and senior secondary from standard 7-12 secondary schools. Also indicates the type of support provided in Schools for Specific Purposes. |
Support_classes | - |
Specific Information:
Currently not available in this dataset. Please see 'Specialist support classes by school and support needs type'. |
- | - |
Preschool_ind | School: Preschool Flag, Y/N Code A[1] |
An indication of whether a preschool is attached to a school. |
Distance_education | School: Distance Education Flag, Code A1 |
An indication of whether distance education is available at a school.
Specific Information:
For more information, see Department of Education: Distance education. |
Intensive_english_centre | School: Intensive English Centre Flag, Y/N Code A[1] |
An indication of whether the school is an Intensive English Centre (IEC) or has an attached IEC.
Specific Information:
Intensive English Centres (IECs) and the Intensive English High School (IEHS) provide intensive English tuition to newly arrived, high school aged students whose first language is not English. In addition to English tuition, the IECs and the IEHS provide orientation, settlement and wellbeing programs to prepare students for learning in a NSW government high school and to participate in Australian society. For more information on see Department of Education: Intensive English Centres. |
School_gender | School: Gender Type, Label A |
The type of school, based on whether it is co-educational or single-sex.
Specific Information:
Single-sex schools can be either a Boys School or Girls School.
Late_opening_school | School: Late Start Flag, Y/N Code A[1] |
An indication of whether a school is a 'late start school'.
Specific Information:
These schools receive additional vacation dates at the beginning of each school year. For more information, see Department of Education: Late start schools. |
Date_1st_teacher | School: First Teacher Duty Date, Text X |
The date that the first teacher was on duty at a school; essentially the original opening date of the school.
Specific Information:
If the school was re-opened, this path will contain the original opening date and not the date of re-opening. Date formats are generally formatted as DD/MM/YYYY, however this is not consistent. Dates prior to 1900 are formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. |
LGA | School: Local Government Area, ASGS NSW Label X |
The NSW local government area (LGA) in which a school is located, as referenced in the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS). |
- | - |
electorate_from_2023 | School: NSW Electorate, 2022 Label X |
The New South Wales electorate in which a school is located, as defined in the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) State Electorate Divisions 2022 release.
Specific Information:
This relates to the electorates that first came into use with the 2023 NSW election. |
electorate_2015_2022 | School: NSW Electorate, 2021 Label X |
The New South Wales electorate in which a school is located, as defined in the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) State Electorate Divisions 2021 release.
Specific Information:
This relates to the electorates that were in use prior to the 2023 NSW election. |
Fed_electorate | School: Federal Electorate, Label X |
The Federal (Commonwealth) electoral division in which a school is located. |
Operational_directorate | School: Performance Directorate Name, Label A |
The name of the NSW Department of Education School Performance Directorate that a school is in. |
Principal_network | School: Principal Network Name, Label X |
The name of the NSW Department of Education principal network that a School is part of. |
Operational_directorate_office | Principal Network: Performance Directorate Office Name, Label A |
The name of the School Performance Directorate office used by a Principal Network as an administrative office.
Specific Information:
The school's Director, Educational Leadership (DEL) is based in this office.
Operational_directorate_office_phone | Directorate: Telephone Number, Text N |
A telephone number of the Directorate.
Specific Information:
This School Performance Directorate office number can be used to contact the school's Director, Educational Leadership. |
Operational_directorate_office_address | Directorate: Address Line, Text X |
A composite of one or more standard address components that describes a low level of geographical/physical description of a Directorate's address.
Specific Information:
This School Performance Directorate office address is used to contact the school's Director, Educational Leadership (DEL) by mail. |
FACS_district | School: NSW Department of Communities and Justice District, Text X |
The NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) district in which a school is located.
Specific Information:
DCJ districts were formerly known as FACS districts. A school may be in more than one DCJ district.
Local_health_district | School: NSW Local Health District, Label A |
A NSW Local Health District (LHD) in which a school is located. |
AECG_region | School: AECG Region, Label X |
The NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Inc. (AECG) region that a school is in. |
ASGS_remoteness | School: Remoteness, Label X |
The Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) remoteness area in which a school is located.
Specific Information:
This data reports by 2021 ASGS remoteness areas.
Latitude | School: Latitude, Decimal Degree Text X |
The geographic latitude of a school's address, expressed in decimal degrees. |
Longitude | School: Longitude, Decimal Degree Text X |
The geographic longitude of a school's address, expressed in decimal degrees. |
Assets unit | School: Asset Management District, Label A |
The Asset Management District that a school is part of. |
SA4 | School: Statistical Area, SA4 Name Label X |
The name of the Statistical Area level 4 (SA4) in which a school is located. |
FOEI_value | School: Family Occupation and Education Index, Text N |
The Family Occupation and Education Index (FOEI) of a school.
Specific Information:
FOEI ranges from 0-249. May contain blanks as not all schools have an applicable FOEI. |
Date_extracted | Record: Extraction Date, X |
The date on which the information, knowledge or data was extracted. |
DATE | - |