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Metadata.NSW (beta)
This table shows items related to the item ALPHANUMERICSTRING.
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Showing 1 - 20 of 59 results.
Name Details Statuses
Alpha Code XXXXX
Value Domain
A combination of the second, third and fifth alphanumeric characters of a person's family name, the second and third alphanumeric characters of...
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Approval Status Label A(20)
Value Domain
A label representing an approval status.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Assessed By Code X(15)
Value Domain
A code set representing who conducted the assessment.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
CALD Label X(25)
Value Domain
The label that represents the main Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) background.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Case Plan Status Label X(30)
Value Domain
Approval/closure status of a case plan record
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Child Protection Notification Source Label A(50)
Value Domain
A label set representing the source of a child protection notification.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Contact Label X(25)
Value Domain
Label set representing the means by which a Concern Report was received
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Contact Outcome Label X(100)
Value Domain
Label set describing Contact Outcomes
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Contact Reason Label X(40)
Value Domain
Label for main reason for contacting the Helpline
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Contact Record Identifier X(18)
Value Domain
The identification number for a Child Protection Contact (Concern Report)
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Country Label X(100)
Value Domain
Label set representing a country
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
CP Case Closure Reason Label X(50)
Value Domain
A label (description) representing the reason a case management plan was closed.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
DCJ Region Code List XX
Value Domain
A code set representing a Department of Communities and Justice Region in NSW.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) Card Status Code X(6)
Value Domain
A code set representing the status of DVA Card.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Final Response Priority Label X(40)
Value Domain
Final response priority determined by the Response Priority Tool at Helpline in relation to the report
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Handshake Status Code X(20)
Value Domain
A code set representing the reasons for exiting.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Helpline N1 Contact Code NX
Value Domain
A code indicating the reason for contacting the helpline
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Helpline N2 Contact Code NX
Value Domain
A combination of alphanumeric characters. 
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Helpline N3 Outcome Code NX
Value Domain
A code representing the outcome of the helpline SCRIPT assessment
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Helpline N4 Decision Code NX(N)
Value Domain
A code representing the outcome of the triage decision
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on