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FACSIAR Data Governance Committee (active)

Data dictionary

Data dictionary for NSW Dept. Communities and Justice/FACSIAR Data Governance Committee (Registration Authority) showing concepts registered as Standard on .

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Name Definition Registered from Registered until
Session: Service setting, code X(15) Data Element A code that represents the category of physical location or delivery method for a given session. May 26, 2021 --
Session: Service Type, Code N(4) Data Element The code that represents the main focus of service delivery at a given session. April 8, 2021 --
Session: Topic Data Element Concept The topic of a given session May 26, 2021 --
Session Topic code A(18) Value Domain A label set representing session topic. May 26, 2021 --
Session: Topic, code A(18) Data Element A code that represents the main focus of service delivery at a given session. May 26, 2021 --
Sex Property Sex refers to an individual's biological characteristics. An individual's sex is usually described as being either male or female. An... July 7, 2021 --
Sex Code A(6) Value Domain A code set representing the biological distinction between Male and Female Sept. 9, 2021 --
Sex Code N Value Domain A code set representing the biological distinction between male, female and other. July 7, 2021 --
Sexual Abuse Property Sexual abuse inflicted on the client by a family member or non-related individual. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Sexual Abuse Flag Property Flag based on presence of any sexual abuse issue Sept. 12, 2024 --
Sexual Orientation Bisexual Indicator Property Whether one is sexually attracted not exclusively to people of one particular gender. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Sexual Orientation Different Indicator Property Whether one's sexual preference is different to the preference described. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual Indicator Property Whether one is sexually attracted solely to people of the opposite sex. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Sexual Orientation Homosexual Indicator Property Whether one is sexually attracted solely to people of one's own sex. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Sexual Orientation Not Stated Indicator Property Whether one's sexual preference is not stated or inadequately described. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Sexual Orientation Queer Indicator Property Whether one is sexually attracted to sexual and gender identities other than straight and cisgender. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Sexual Orientation Undisclosed Indicator Property Whether one prefers to not disclose their sexual orientation. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Short-Term Accommodation Indicator Property Short-term or emergency accommodation Nov. 25, 2021 --
Short-Term or Emergency Accommodation Property Accommodation that is generally provided for up to three months. Nov. 25, 2021 --
SHS Agency Name Value Domain Nov. 25, 2021 --
SHS Source of Income Code NN Value Domain A SHS code set representing a person's sources of income. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Sibling Count Property The total (count) of siblings. July 7, 2021 --
Sibling Disability Status Property Whether a sibling of an individual has been identified as having a disability, impairment or condition. July 7, 2021 --
Sleeping Rough Accommodation Indicator Property Sleeping rough or in non-conventional accommodation. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Source of Income Property The source of monetary or cash income for an individual. April 8, 2021 --
Source of Notification Property The person or organisation that provided the initial notification to the relevant authority. Sept. 12, 2024 --
Source Type Code A(4) Value Domain A code used to represent a file source Nov. 25, 2021 --
Specialist Counselling Services Property Counselling provided other than financial, gambling or drug/alcohol counselling. Nov. 25, 2021 --
Staff Identifier X(30) Value Domain A system generated label representing the employee who performed a particular action. Aug. 8, 2024 --
Start Date Property That date of commencement. April 8, 2021 --
Start Time Property The time of day of commencement. Jan. 13, 2023 --
Statistical area level 1 (SA1) code N(11) Value Domain A code set representing a geographical area aggregated from whole Mesh Blocks. Statistical Areas Level 1 (SA1s) are designed to... April 8, 2021 --
Statistical area level 3 (SA3) code N(5) Value Domain A code set representing standardised regional areas of Australia. The aim of Statistical areas level 3 (SA3s) is to create a... April 8, 2021 --
Statistical area level 4 (SA4) code NNN Value Domain A code set representing standardised regional areas of Australia. The Statistical areas level 4 (SA4s) are specifically designed for the output of ABS... April 8, 2021 --
Street Suffix Code AA Value Domain A code set representing a street suffix. Jan. 13, 2023 --
Strengths and Stressors Assessment Property The attributes that are considered as they act to support, enhance or develop capacity, motivation or competence to protect a... May 4, 2022 --
Structured Decision Making Object Class Structured Decision Making (SDM) investigation. July 7, 2021 --
Structured Decision Making: Risk Assessment Data Element Concept The investigation phase of an SDM assessment. July 7, 2021 --
Structured Decision Making: Risk Assessment, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD Data Element The date of an SDM investigation (risk assessment). The SDM Risk assessment: This actuarial assessment estimates the likelihood of future child... July 7, 2021 --
Structured Decision Making: Risk Assessment, Outcome Code X(10) Data Element The outcome of an SDM investigation (risk assessment). The SDM Risk assessment: This actuarial assessment estimates the likelihood of future child... July 7, 2021 --
Structured Decision Making: Risk Assessment Re-Report Data Element Concept A key decision making process to support the objective appraisal of the likelihood that a family will ill-treat their child/young... July 7, 2021 --
Structured Decision Making: Risk Assessment Re-Report, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD Data Element The date on which a key decision making process was undertaken to support the objective appraisal of the likelihood that a family... July 7, 2021 --
Structured Decision Making: Risk Assessment Re-Report, Outcome Risk Code X(10) Data Element A code that represents the outcome of a key decision making process to support the objective appraisal of the likelihood that... July 7, 2021 --
Structured Decision Making: Risk Re-Assessment Data Element Concept A key decision making process to support a further check based on the original Risk Assessment with additional items that evaluate... July 7, 2021 --
Structured Decision Making: Risk Re-Assessment, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD Data Element The date on which a key decision making process was undertaken to support a further check based on the original Risk... July 7, 2021 --
Structured Decision Making: Risk Re-Assessment, Outcome Risk Code X(10) Data Element A code that represents the outcome of a key decision making process to support a further check based on the original... July 7, 2021 --
Structured Decision Making: Safety Assessment Data Element Concept A key decision making process to determine whether the child/young person/unborn child is exposed to serious physical harm. July 7, 2021 --
Structured Decision Making: Safety Assessment, Code X(25) Data Element A code that represents the outcome of the safety assessment component of an Structured Decision Making (SDM) investigation. The SDM Safety... July 7, 2021 --
Structured Decision Making: Safety Assessment, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD Data Element The date of an SDM investigation (safety assessment). The SDM Safety assessment helps workers at all points in a case determine if... July 7, 2021 --
Structured Decision Making: Safety Assessment Re-Report Data Element Concept A key decision making process to determine whether the child/young person/unborn child is exposed to serious physical harm. July 7, 2021 --