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FACSIAR Data Governance Committee (active)

Data dictionary

Data dictionary for NSW Dept. Communities and Justice/FACSIAR Data Governance Committee (Registration Authority) showing concepts registered as Standard on .

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Name Definition Registered from Registered until
ROSH Flag Property Indicator of Risk of Significant Harm (ROSH)   Sept. 12, 2024 --
ROSH Label X(20) Value Domain Set of actual risk of harm (ROSH) labels Sept. 12, 2024 --
RRA Outcome Label A(25) Value Domain A label representing the outcome of a Risk Re-Assessment Sept. 12, 2024 --
Rural and Urban Addressing Australian/New Zealand Standard AS 4819 2011 Data Set Specification The Standard outlines the various address-related elements and provides guidance on the application of those elements to the range of address... Jan. 10, 2023 --
Safety Assessment Property A report to ascertain whether the child/young person/unborn child is exposed to serious physical harm. July 7, 2021 --
Safety Assessment ID Property Unique ID assigned to Safety Assessment record by ChildStory (first record) Sept. 12, 2024 --
Safety Assessment Outcome Property The outcome of the Safety Assessment, as represented by a label Sept. 12, 2024 --
Safety Assessment Re-Report Property A further report to ascertain whether the child/young person/unborn child is exposed to serious physical harm. July 7, 2021 --
Safety in Care Flag Property Indicator for Safety in Care Sept. 12, 2024 --
Safety Outcome Label X(25) Value Domain The outcome result from the Safety Assessment for a contact report Sept. 12, 2024 --
SAP Vendor Number Property A number assigned to each contractor delivery services. April 8, 2021 --
Scheduled Amount Property Amount scheduled for the financial year. April 8, 2021 --
Scheduled Amount on Hold Property Amount scheduled hold for the financial year. April 8, 2021 --
Scheduling Accuracy Property The level of detail to which the anticipated scheduling of services is correct. Sept. 9, 2021 --
School Liaison Property Work on behalf of a child that is related to the child’s education. Includes, for example, assistance with enrolments, and... Nov. 25, 2021 --
SDM Safety Label X(25) Value Domain The investigation result from the SDM Safety Assessment. July 7, 2021 --
Searches for human services in NSW Distribution The 'Searches for human services in NSW' data distribution is based off the Infoxchange Service Directory. This is an electronic... Oct. 6, 2023 --
Secondary Complex Name Property The name associated with a building or area within a complex site. Jan. 13, 2023 --
Sector (SESCA 2008) Code N Value Domain A code set representing the economic sector to which an agency belongs. Jan. 13, 2023 --
Secured Flag Property Indicator whether a persons information is secured in ChildStory Jan. 13, 2023 --
Sensory Disability Flag Property Whether there is a vision disability (blindness, vision impairment); hearing disability (deafness, hearing impairment that cause severe restrictions in communication); deaf-blind... May 20, 2021 --
Sequence Number Property A number that ensures an entity is unique. April 7, 2021 --
Sequence number N(2) Value Domain The sequence number of the care category of same type in the child's life. Jan. 13, 2023 --
Service Object Class Specialisation A valuable action; deed; or effort taken to respond to a need or fulfil a demand. AIHW's National Classification of... Nov. 20, 2021 --
Service Area Type Property The type/category of area within which a service is being delivered. Aug. 8, 2024 --
Service area type name X(18) Value Domain A label representing the type/category of area within which a service is being delivered. Aug. 8, 2024 --
Service Contact Object Class A contact between a client and a service provider which results in a dated entry being made in the client... May 4, 2022 --
Service Contact: Start Date Data Element Concept The date of the first service contact between a client and a service provider. May 4, 2022 --
Service Contact: Start Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD Data Element The date expressed as YYYYMMDD of the first service contact between a client and a service provider. May 4, 2022 --
Service Delivery Recommended Indicator Property Whether there is a recommendation for service delivery. Sept. 9, 2021 --
Service Episode: Community Service Centre (CSC) Location Data Element Concept The Community Service Centre (CSC) location a IFBS Service is delivered or administered from. Sept. 9, 2021 --
Service Episode: Community Service Centre (CSC) Location, Code X(15) Data Element A code that represents the Community Service Centre (CSC) location a Service is delivered or administered from. Sept. 9, 2021 --
Service Episode: Declined Reason Data Element Concept The reason the service episode was declined Sept. 9, 2021 --
Service Episode: Declined Reason, IFBS Label X(53) Data Element A description of why the Intensive Family Based Service episode was declined. Sept. 9, 2021 --
Service Episode: Declined Reason - Other Data Element Concept An additional explanation of why the service episode was declined, when the reason was given as "Other" Sept. 9, 2021 --
Service Episode: Declined Reason - Other, Text X(255) Data Element An additional explanation of why the service episode was declined, when the reason was given as "Other" Sept. 9, 2021 --
Service Episode: End Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD Data Element The date expressed as YYYYMMDD on which a service episode was completed. Sept. 9, 2021 --
Service Episode: Episode Start Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD Data Element The date expressed as YYYYMMDD on which a service episode/support period commenced. Sept. 9, 2021 --
Service Episode: IFBS Commenced Within 7 Days Data Element Concept Whether the Intensive Family Based Services intervention has commenced within 7 days of referral. Sept. 9, 2021 --
Service Episode: IFBS Commenced Within 7 Days, Indicator X(5) Data Element A code that indicates whether the Intensive Family Based Services intervention commenced within 7 days of referral. Sept. 9, 2021 --
Service Episode: IFBS CSC Goal Data Element Concept A goal that Community Services Centre want the Intensive Family Based Service to work with the family on, and expect... Sept. 9, 2021 --
Service Episode: IFBS CSC Goal, Code N Data Element A code that represents the goals set by a Community Service Centre for an Intensive Family Based Services intervention. Sept. 9, 2021 --
Service Episode: IFBS Days to Commencement Data Element Concept The number of days until the commencement of an Intensive Family Based Service. Sept. 9, 2021 --
Service Episode: IFBS Days to Commencement, Total Days N(5) Data Element The number of days until the commencement of an Intensive Family Based Service (IFBS). Negative values indicate the IFBS intervention has... Sept. 9, 2021 --
Service Episode: IFBS End Quarter Data Element Concept The financial year quarter in which an Intensive Family Based Service referral finished (either completed, or terminated). Sept. 9, 2021 --
Service Episode: IFBS End Quarter, 2019/20 Label X(21) Data Element A code label representing the 2019/2020 financial year quarter in which an Intensive Family Based Service referral finished (either completed,... Sept. 9, 2021 --
Service Episode: IFBS Goal Status Data Element Concept The extent to which the Intensive Family Based Service goals were achieved during the intervention. Sept. 9, 2021 --
Service Episode: IFBS Goal Status, Label X(7) Data Element A code that represents the extent to which the Intensive Family Based Service goals were achieved during the intervention. Sept. 9, 2021 --
Service Episode: IFBS Goal Status, No/Yes Code N Data Element A code that indicates whether the Intensive Family Based Service goals were achieved during the intervention. Sept. 9, 2021 --
Service Episode: IFBS Last Goal Data Element Concept A flag indicating if a given goal is the last goal listed in a Intensive Family Based Service case plan. Sept. 9, 2021 --