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Brighter Futures provides services to families with at least one child aged under 9 years, or families expecting a child, through intervention and support that will achieve long-term benefits for children. It aims to prevent children entering the statutory child protection system by providing structured home visiting and developing parenting skills in fostering healthy development and resilience; accessing support networks and the universal community services; and manage vulnerabilities to enhance child safety, parenting capacity and family functioning. Through Brighter Futures services we want:

  • children to:
    • grow up in a safe, nurturing family environment
    • have enhanced health and education measures of wellbeing
  • parents to:
    • have the skills to reduce the risk of neglect or abuse of their children
    • understand how to foster healthy development and resilience
    • know how to access the support networks and the universal services available in the community
    • develop the skills to manage vulnerabilities that contribute to risk.

By applying targeted support, the Brighter Futures program aims to reduce:

  • the overall incidence of child abuse and neglect in the community

Data source details

Path name Data Element Definition Data Type Format
Referral_ID Family: Brighter Futures Referral Request, ID A(3)-N(8)

A unique identifier of the family's referral to Brighter Futures by the Brighter Futures Referral Unit.


ChildStory_ID Person: ChildStory Identifier, A-N(8)

Internal Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) Person identifier from ChildStory. 

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The ChildStory identifier - the identification number extracted from the ChildStory database which must be entered in the exact form as the ChildStory database.  

The item is provided to the Service Provider by the referring CSC and BFAU via the 'Brighter Futures Referral Form', but can be updated or corrected by the Service Provider during regular reporting. The Provider may apply their own definitions at this time. 

First_Name Person: Given Name, Text X(50)

The name of a person within the family group or by which the person is socially identified.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The first name of the individual being referred as per their birth certificate and/or existing ChildStory records

The item is provided to the Service Provider by the referring CSC and BFAU via the 'Brighter Futures Referral Form', but can be updated or corrected by the Service Provider during regular reporting. The Provider may apply their own definitions at this time. 

Family_Name Person: Family Name, Text X(50)

The text that represents a name by which a person’s family group may be identified. That part of a name a person usually has in common with some other members of his/her family, as distinguished from his/her given names.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The last name of the individual being referred as per their birth certificate and/or existing ChildStory records

The item is provided to the Service Provider by the referring CSC and BFAU via the 'Brighter Futures Referral Form', but can be updated or corrected by the Service Provider during regular reporting. The Provider may apply their own definitions at this time. 

DOB Person: Date of Birth, YYYY-MM-DD

The date of birth of the person, expressed as a date time stamp.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The date of birth of the child/young person referred to the service provider, in the format DD/MM/YYYY

The item is provided to the Service Provider by the referring CSC and BFAU via the 'Brighter Futures Referral Form', but can be updated or corrected by the Service Provider during regular reporting. The Provider may apply their own definitions at this time. 

Gender Person: Gender, Code X(20)

A code that represents how a person identifies their masculine or feminine characteristics. An individual's gender is not always exclusively male or female, and doesn't always correspond to their sex assigned at birth.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The gender of the child and/or young person. If the child and/or young person identifies as non-binary, please note further details in the 'Notes' section of the form

The item is provided to the Service Provider by the referring CSC and BFAU via the 'Brighter Futures Referral Form', but can be updated or corrected by the Service Provider during regular reporting. The Provider may apply their own definitions at this time. 

Indigenous_Status Person: Indigenous Status, Brighter Futures Code X(40)

A code from Brighter Futures that represents the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin identified by a person.

Specific Information:

The item is provided to the Service Provider by the referring CSC and BFAU via the 'Brighter Futures Referral Form', but can be updated or corrected by the Service Provider during regular reporting. The Provider may apply their own definitions at this time. 

CALD_Background Person: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Background, Text X(50)

Self-enumeration of cultural and linguistic background, based on whether or not one was born in a country other than Australia, has a cultural background other than Australian, or can speak languages other than English, by respondents entering "free text".

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

Does the individual identify with a CALD background? 

Individuals from a CALD background are those who identify as having a specific cultural or linguistic affiliation by virtue of their place of birth, ancestry, ethnic origin, religion, preferred language, language(s) spoken at home, or because of their parents’ identification on a similar basis.

The item is provided to the Service Provider by the referring CSC and BFAU via the 'Brighter Futures Referral Form', but can be updated or corrected by the Service Provider during regular reporting. The Provider may apply their own definitions at this time. 

Referral_Pathway Service Event: Referral Source, Brighter Futures Referral Pathway Label X(50)

The person or agency responsible for the referral of a child/young person to Brighter Futures.

Specific Information:

Which pathway was the family referred to Brighter Futures

Consent_14_years_above Person: Consent Indicator, Yes/No Code N

A code that represents whether the person has given consent, that is giving or denying permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.

Specific Information:

Has the 14 years or above person signed consent (or provided verbal consent) to participate in the program?

Closure_Reason Service Event: Case Closure Reason, Label X(50)

A label (description) representing the reason a service received by a client from a service provider that was part of a case management plan was closed.

Specific Information:

Reason case management was ceased.

DCJ_Comments_Issues Person: DCJ Comments/Issues, Text X(270)

Additional information that is useful and relevant to a person entered by the DCJ data program data manager during remediation, represented by text

Providers Organisation: Organisation Name, Text X(200)

The full title of an organisation's name by which it trades or is recognised, as represented by text.

Gender_Grouped Person: Gender, Code X(20)

A code that represents how a person identifies their masculine or feminine characteristics. An individual's gender is not always exclusively male or female, and doesn't always correspond to their sex assigned at birth.

Indigenous_Status_Grouped Person: Indigenous Status, Brighter Futures Code X(40)

A code from Brighter Futures that represents the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin identified by a person.

CALD_Background_Grouped Person: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Background, Text X(50)

Self-enumeration of cultural and linguistic background, based on whether or not one was born in a country other than Australia, has a cultural background other than Australian, or can speak languages other than English, by respondents entering "free text".

Referral_Pathway_Grouped Service Event: Referral Source, Brighter Futures Referral Pathway Label X(50)

The person or agency responsible for the referral of a child/young person to Brighter Futures.

Closure_Reason_Grouped Service Event: Case Closure Reason, Label X(50)

A label (description) representing the reason a service received by a client from a service provider that was part of a case management plan was closed.

Allocation_Date Service Event: Allocation Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date a Service Provider agreed to work with the family or allocate services.

Specific Information:

The date the Service Provider agreed to work with the family (following Brighter Futures Assessment Unit (BFAU) eligibility determination).

Must not be blank.

First_Contact_Date Service Event: First Service Contact Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date on which the agency provides the first service to the client, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.

Specific Information:

Date the caseworker attempts to visit OR/attempts to contact the family for the first time.

Must not be blank

ATP_Date Person: Brighter Futures Participant Agreement, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date on which a person agreed to participate in the Brighter Futures program that provides services tailored to achieve long-term benefits for children.

Specific Information:

Agreement to Participate Date - where multiple dates in one family, the first is usually recorded for all family members.

Must not be blank

Case_Closure_Date Service Event: End Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date a service event was completed.

Specific Information:

Date Service Provider ceases case management.

CPGA Person: Case Management Goal Status, Goal Achieved Code N

A code that represents whether a Person achieved Case Management Plan Goals.

Specific Information:

A derived element, based on the values of 'Closure_Reason'

Age_at_period_end_OR_case_closure_date_if_closed Person: Age at Closure Date, Years NNN.NN

The (calculated) age of the person at the date when the service provider ceases case management or at the end of financial year.

Specific Information:

Age at Financial Year end or Case Closure Date

AGE_at_Allocation_Date Person: Age at Allocation Date, Years NNN.NN

The (calculated) age of the person at the date when the service provider agreed to work with the family.

Carer_SRP_1 Internal Referral: Personal Service Flag, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for personal and family safety services to an internal organisation where the client is seeking to change the impact of personal and family safety issues on their independence, participation and wellbeing.

Specific Information:

A person who has been allocated to Brighter Futures by the Brighter Futures Referral Unit

INGESTTIME Record: DateTime Stamp, YYYY-MM-DD

A sequence of characters or encoded information identifying when a certain event occurred, on what day, and optionally including what particular time of day.

Specific Information:

Ingest process Date/Time stamp into BigQuery

INGESTTYPE Record: Ingest Type, Label A(6)

File (data) ingestion process type, represented by a label.

Specific Information:

Ingest type (manual or batch)

FILENAME Record: Filename, Text X(200)

File name (data) ingested into BigQuery, represented by text.

BATCHID Record: Batch Id, Text X(200)

System generated identification generated when (data) ingested into BigQuery, represented by text.

Specific Information:

Name generated during ingestion of data file, which can be used to trace errors