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Metadata.NSW (beta)
This table shows items related to the item Person.
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Showing 161 - 180 of 289 results.
Name Details Statuses
Person: Indigenous Status, Indicator Code N(2)
Data Element
A code that represents whether a person is identified as being either Indigenous or Non Indigenous.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Person: Indigenous Status, Indicator X(5)
Data Element
A code that represents whether a person identifies as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Person: Indigenous Status, Label A(10)
Data Element
The Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin identified by a given client, represented by a label.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Person: Indigenous Status, Label X(40)
Data Element
A label that represents the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin identified by a person.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Person: Interpreter requirement, Yes/No/Not Known Code N(2)
Data Element
Interpreter service required by the person, as represented by a code.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Person: Intersex Indicator, Yes/No/Prefer Not to Say Code N
Data Element
A code that represents whether a person is born with genetic, hormonal or physical sex characteristics that are not typically...
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Person: Is a carer, Flag
Data Element
Whether a person is a carer in a carer relationship, represented by a flag.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Person: KiDS Number, Identifier X(14)
Data Element
A person's internal Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) Person Identifier from the legacy KiDS system.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Person: Labour Force Status, Code N
Data Element
The self-reported status of the client being either in the labour force (employed/unemployed) or not in the labour force, as...
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Preferred Standard on
Person: Learning Disability Flag, Yes/No Label A(10)
Data Element
A label that represents whether a person has an impairment of intellectual functions which limit a range of daily activities...
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Person: Leaving Care Plan, Label X(50)
Data Element
An indicator of whether a child has a leaving care plan, as represented by a label.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Person: Length of time in care, Group Label X(20)
Data Element
The period of time a person received/receiving care, as represented by a group label
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Person: Linkage Key, Identifier X(30)
Data Element
A key (presenting unit linkage key) that enables two or more records belonging to the same individual (presenting unit) to...
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Person: Living Arrangement, Homelessness Code N(2)
Data Element
The living arrangement of a client and whether they reside alone or live with others, as represented by a code.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Preferred Standard on
Person: Main language other than English spoken at home, Language code (ASCL 2016) N(4)
Data Element
The language reported by a person as the main language other than English spoken by that person in his/her home...
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Preferred Standard on
Person: Main language spoken at home, Australian Standard Classification of Languages (ASCL) 2016 code
Data Element
The main language spoken at home by a given client, represented by a code.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Person: Main source of income, Label
Data Element
The main source of income for a person, represented by a label.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Person: Mental health services received, Code N(2)
Data Element
An indicator of whether a person has received mental health services for a mental health issue, as represented by a...
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Preferred Standard on
Person: Mental health services received timeframe, code N
Data Element
The timeframe in which a person has most recently received mental health services, as represented by a code.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Preferred Standard on
Person: Mental Illness Information Source, code N
Data Element
Sources of additional information regarding a client's mental health issue, as represented by a code.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on