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A count of child and young person concern contacts made to the DCJ Child Protection Helpline, during the reporting period.

A child or young person contact is based on unique contact recorded on DCJ client information system, where the primary contact reason was “reporting concern about a child or young person”. A contact record is used to record information received by DCJ and may relate to one or more persons. A contact record may record information provided in one or more calls/faxes/eReports. A single call/fax/eReport may result in multiple contact records.

As a child may be reported by more than one reporter type throughout the year, the categories presented are not mutually exclusive.

Indicator Summary


No description available

A count of Child Identifiers with a Valid Contact Flag equal to 'Y' and a Contact Start Date in the reporting period, where the primary contact reason is “Reporting concern about CYP”.

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This indicator may be disaggregated by:

Geographic Breakdown

Distribution/Table Path/Column Dashboard Filter Label
Child Protection Reporting - Base Data Asset DITRICT_COMMON District

Demographic Breakdown

Distribution/Table Path/Column Dashboard Filter Label
Child Protection Reporting - Base Data Asset ABORIGINAL_STATUS_GROUPED Aboriginal status


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Reporting Information

Published by the NSW Department of Family and Community Services.

Framework Dimensions


To report on child and young person contacts by mandatory reporters to the Helpline during the quarter.

Calculation rules

Computation Rule

A count of Child Identifiers with a Valid Contact Flag equal to 'Y' and a Contact Start Date in the reporting period, where the primary contact reason is “Reporting concern about CYP”.


This indicator may be disaggregated by:

Geographic Breakdown

Distribution/Table Path/Column Dashboard Filter Label
Child Protection Reporting - Base Data Asset DITRICT_COMMON District

Demographic Breakdown

Distribution/Table Path/Column Dashboard Filter Label
Child Protection Reporting - Base Data Asset ABORIGINAL_STATUS_GROUPED Aboriginal status



TAFE NSW was part of NSW Education until the end of 2014-15. From 2016, TAFE NSW is grouped under "other mandatory reporter" category.

Given that a child may be reported multiple times, the total number of concern reports may be larger than the total number of children involved in concern reports (ie a child/young person may be subjected to multiple reports.)

Since the implementation of ChildStory, there has been a change in the way contact outcomes are reported. From 2017-18 onwards only the categories 'ROSH reports' and 'Non-ROSH reports' are used to report contact outcomes in child and young person concern reports. Risk of significant harm status refers to screening at the DCJ Child Protection Helpline. A child/young person is at risk of significant harm if the circumstances that are causing concern for their safety, welfare or wellbeing are present to a significant extent. This means it is sufficiently serious to warrant a response by a statutory authority irrespective of a family's consent.

Data ageing:

  • Data ageing is two months, unless otherwise indicated. Therefore, the data for this measure will be available two months after the end of the month in which the data first becomes available.

Data changes:

Data limitations:

  • Nil.

Data source:

Data ageing:

  • Data is aged two months, unless otherwise indicated as preliminary.


Custom Fields

DCJ - Domain
Child Protection

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