NSW Dept. Communities and Justice
Item Summary
- Data Sets: 2
- Collections: 0
Early intervention refers to activities, programs and services designed to support families who show signs of needing support or vulnerabilities that may escalate into child abuse or neglect. Early interventions provide families with resources and skills designed to interrupt the growth of emerging problems, and encourage positive child development.
The Targeted Early Intervention (TEI) program, funded by DCJ, aims to deliver flexible support to children, young people, families and communities experiencing or at risk of vulnerability.
Family Connect and Support - links vulnerable children, young people and families who are in need of assistance with the most appropriate and available local support services.
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Family Connect & Support
Data Set
The Family Connect and Support (FCS) Program is a referral service for families experiencing vulnerability. FCS aims to link families to the right services and supports before their situation escalates and there is a need for a statutory response. FCS works with families to increase their confidence and internal resources and address underlying issues that impact their wellbeing. It also provides a soft entry point into the service system, helping families to navigate and access the right supports at the right time. The FCS program consists of: initial and comprehensive assessment, practical advice and information, short-term case planning and coordination, warm referrals, active holding, flexible brokerage and family led decision making. FCS supports the overarching NSW government direction to invest early in services for vulnerable children, young people and families. |
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Targeted Earlier Intervention Data Set
Data Set
The Targeted Earlier Intervention (TEI) program delivers flexible support to children, young people, families and communities experiencing or at risk of vulnerability. Services are delivered under two broad streams:
The TEI program is collecting outcomes data on individual services through the Data Exchange. This will improve how we respond to evolving client and community needs. As our evidence base grows, we will adapt service delivery to reflect what we know works. Under the TEI program, service providers need to develop a program logic to demonstrate how their activities contribute to client and community outcomes. The TEI program will help us support the people who need it earlier on, so we make the biggest difference. This is an important step towards achieving the Premier’s priority of protecting our most vulnerable children. |