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Youth Hope program is targeted at children and young people aged 9-15 years who are assessed as being at Risk of Significant Harm (ROSH) report, or at risk of escalating to the statutory child protection system. The program enables more children and young people to stay safely at home; increase engagement in education; and be able to access appropriate support and resources. Services include proactive case management; structured and supported mentoring; access to the local service system to support children, young people and their families; and joint social activities for the whole family unit.

Data source details

Provenance records

Generated distributions

Path name Data Element Definition Data Type Format
FIRST_NAME Person: Given Name, Text X(50)

The name of a person within the family group or by which the person is socially identified.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The first name of the child/young person 9-15 years.

The item is provided to the Service Provider by the referring CSC via the 'Youth Hope Referral Form'. The item can be updated or corrected by the Service Provider during regular reporting. The Provider may apply their own definitions at this time.

CS_CP Person: ChildStory Case Plan Identifier, Identifier N(10)

A persons identification number extracted from the ChildStory database.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The ChildStory case plan identifier - the identification number extracted from ChildStory database must be entered in the exact form as the ChildStory database. This identifier can be extracted from the Youth Hope referral form sent by the Community Service Centre. Please leave it blank if it is not referred by the CSC.

CS_ID Person: ChildStory Identifier, A-N(8)

Internal Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) Person identifier from ChildStory. 

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The ChildStory identifier - the identification number extracted from the ChildStory database which must be entered in the exact form as the ChildStory database.

SURNAME Person: Family Name, Text X(50)

The text that represents a name by which a person’s family group may be identified. That part of a name a person usually has in common with some other members of his/her family, as distinguished from his/her given names.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The last name of the child/young person 9-15 years.

The item is provided to the Service Provider by the referring CSC via the 'Youth Hope Referral Form'. The item can be updated or corrected by the Service Provider during regular reporting. The Provider may apply their own definitions at this time.

DATE_BIRTH Person: Date of Birth, YYYY-MM-DD

The date of birth of the person, expressed as a date time stamp.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The date of birth of the child/young person referred to Youth Hope. If a child/young person's date of birth is unknown, base this date on 01/01/and the approximate year of birth.

The item is provided to the Service Provider by the referring CSC via the 'Youth Hope Referral Form'. The item can be updated or corrected by the Service Provider during regular reporting. The Provider may apply their own definitions at this time.

SEX Person: Sex, Code X

The sex identified by a person, represented by a label.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The sex of the child/young person referred to Youth Hope, written as 'Male' or 'Female.'

POSTCODE Person: Australian Postcode, Code NNNN

The numeric descriptor for an Australian postal delivery area, aligned with locality, suburb or place for the address of a person.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

Post code of primary residency in which the child/young person resides. This postcode must be in the Community Service District in which the Youth Hope service is being provided. The postcode is a four digit number.

The item is provided to the Service Provider by the referring CSC via the 'Youth Hope Referral Form'. The item can be updated or corrected by the Service Provider during regular reporting. The Provider may apply their own definitions at this time.

CYP_IND_YN Person: Indigenous Status, Indicator X(5)

A code that represents whether a person identifies as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin.

CYP_DISABILITY_YN Person: Disability Status, Indicator X(5)

An indicator of whether a person has a disability. A person has a disability if they have an intellectual, psychiatric, sensory physical or like impairment or a combination of such impairments, that is permanent or is likely to be permanent, and results in a significantly reduced capacity in one or more major life activities such as communication, learning mobility, decision-making or self-care and the need for support.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

A person has a disability if they have an intellectual, psychiatric, sensory physical or like impairment or a combination of such impairments, that is permanent or is likely to be permanent, and results in a significantly reduced capacity in one or more major life activities such as communication, learning mobility, decision-making or self-care and the need for support. (Footnote: source: section 5 Disability Services Act 1993). Disabilities must be diagnosed by a qualified physician and identified by the person or their parent/carer.

CALD Person: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Indicator, Indicator X(5)

An indication of the cultural and linguistic background, based on whether or not an individual was born in a country other than Australia, has a cultural background other than Australian, can speak languages other than English, recorded as a code set representing 'True' and 'False'.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) background. Individuals from a CALD background are those who identify as having a specific cultural or linguistic affiliation by virtue of their place of birth, ancestry, ethnic origin, religion, preferred language, language(s) spoken at home, or because of their parents’ identification on a similar basis.

DATE_REFER Activity: Referral Date, YYYY-MM-DD

The date the referral form is received from the DCJ or any other agency or service was received by the Program service provider, in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The date the referral form is received from  DCJ or any other agency or service was received by the Youth Hope service provider.

REFER_PATHWAY Person: Referral Pathway, Youth Hope Label X(50)

The term or label that represents a Youth Hope referral pathway for a child/young person.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The referral pathway that the child/young person comes from.

REFER_CSC Community Service Centre: Referring CSC, Text X(50)

Community Service Centre responsible for the administration of family and community services as part of the Department of Communities and Justice, recorded as a combination of alphabetic characters.

Community Service Centres (CSC) are DCJ offices responsible for the administration of family and community services. See for current locations and address details.


Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The Community Service Centre which provided the referral form and assessment information, written in the EXACT form as stipulated by Community Service.

For example 'CSC Blacktown' not 'Blacktown CSC'.

REFER_Other Person: Youth Hope Referring (Other), Label X(51)

Label representing where a child/young person was referred from, if not from DCJ.

NO_PC Person: Parent/Carer, Number NNN

The total (count) of immediate parents/carers of a child/young person.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The number of parents/ carers who provide ongoing support to the child/young person. This include parents, step-parents, aunties or grandparents who have direct responsibility in providing support and care on a day to day basis to the child/young person.

NO_SIB Person: Siblings, Number NNN

The total (count) of siblings of a child/young person.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

Number of siblings in total the child/young person has in the family. This only refers to siblings residing/living in the family home(s). This does not include siblings in Out of Home Care (OOHC) or with other living arrangements who will not be receiving support from Youth Hope Services.

No_SIB_IND Person: Indigenous Sibling Count, Number NNN

The total (count) of siblings that identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander of a child/young person.

SIB_DISABILITY_YN Person: Sibling Disability Status, Indicator X(5)

A code that represents whether a sibling of a person as been identified as having a disability, impairment or condition.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

A person has a disability if they have an intellectual, psychiatric, sensory physical or like impairment or a combination of such impairments, that is permanent or is likely to be permanent, and results in a significantly reduced capacity in one or more major life activities such as communication, learning mobility, decision-making or self-care and the need for support. (Footnote: source: section 5 Disability Services Act 1993). Disabilities must be diagnosed by a qualified physician and identified by the person or their parent/carer.

NO_SIB8 Person: Number of Siblings 0-8, Total NNN

The total (count) of siblings that are between 0-8 years of age of a child/young person.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

Number of siblings between 0-8 years that the child/young person has in the family. This must not be more than the total siblings the child/young person has in the family.

NO_SIB15 Person: Number of Siblings 9-15, Total NNN

The total (count) of siblings that are between 9-15 years of age of a child/young person.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

Number of siblings between 9-15 years that the child/young person has in the family. This must not be more than the total siblings the child/young person has in the family.

DATE_FIRST_CONTACT Service Event: First Service Contact Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date on which the agency provides the first service to the client, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The date of the first attempt at contact with the referred child/young person or their parents/carers (most likely by phone) by the Youth Hope service provider case worker.

DATE_FIRST_MEETING Child and Young Person: First Service Contact Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

Date of the first service activity meeting took place with a child/young person.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The date after the first contact that the referred child/young person or their parents/carers met with the Youth Hope service provider case worker (face to face meeting).

DATE_SDM_SA Structured Decision Making: Safety Assessment, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date of an SDM investigation (safety assessment).

The SDM Safety assessment helps workers at all points in a case determine if a child may safely remain in the home, with or without a safety plan in place. 

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The date the SDM Safety Assessment was completed and an outcome generated. The SDM Safety Assessment can either be completed after meeting with the family OR extracted from the Youth Hope referral form if SDM Safety Assessment was completed for the child/young person by the Community Service Centre.

Where multiple SDM assessments take place, no written guidance has been provided about which instance is to be recorded.

SDM_SAO Structured Decision Making: Safety Assessment, Code X(25)

A code that represents the outcome of the safety assessment component of an Structured Decision Making (SDM) investigation.

The SDM Safety assessment helps workers at all points in a case determine if a child may safely remain in the home, with or without a safety plan in place. 

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The outcome is automatically generated once the SDM Safety Assessment tool is completed. This outcome can also be extracted from the Youth Hope referral form if SDM Safety Assessment was completed for the child/young person by the Community Service Centre.

Where multiple SDM assessments take place, no written guidance has been provided about which instance is to be recorded.

DATE_SDM_RA Structured Decision Making: Risk Assessment, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date of an SDM investigation (risk assessment).

The SDM Risk assessment: This actuarial assessment estimates the likelihood of future child welfare system involvement, and assists investigation workers in determining which cases should be continued for ongoing services and which may be closed at the end of an investigation.



Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The date the SDM Risk Assessment was completed and an outcome generated. The SDM Risk Assessment can either be completed after meeting with the family OR extracted from the Youth Hope referral form if SDM Risk Assessment was completed for the child/young person by the Community Service Centre.

Where multiple SDM assessments take place, no written guidance has been provided about which instance is to be recorded.

SDM_RAO Structured Decision Making: Risk Assessment, Outcome Code X(10)

The outcome of an SDM investigation (risk assessment).

The SDM Risk assessment: This actuarial assessment estimates the likelihood of future child welfare system involvement, and assists investigation workers in determining which cases should be continued for ongoing services and which may be closed at the end of an investigation.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The outcome is automatically generated once the SDM Risk Assessment tool is completed. This outcome can also be extracted from the Youth Hope referral form if SDM Risk Assessment was completed for the child/young person by the Community Service Centre.

Where multiple SDM assessments take place, no written guidance has been provided about which instance is to be recorded.

CP_DEVELOPED_YN Person: Case Plan Indicator, X(5)

A code that represents whether or not a case plan has been developed for a child/young person.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The case plan is the document which records all the relevant historical and psychological information about the child/young person and their family, as well as the plan of interventions and service types which will be provided. If there is an intention to develop a case plan for this child/young person, even though it is not completed, please select Yes as a response.

CP_NO Person: Reason Case Plan Does Not Exist, Youth Hope Label X(50)

A label that describes the reason a case plan is not developed for the child/young person.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

If a case plan is not developed for the child/young person, provide the reason. As stated. Please leave it as blank if the case plan was developed for the child/young person.

DATE_CONSENT_CYP Child and Young Person: Consent Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date on which the child or young person grants permission or agreement to receive services.

Child or Children is sometimes used to refer to all children and young people.

Young People refers to those aged between 16 and 18.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

Consent must be provided by signing a consent form, which will be provided by each Service Provider, and saved on file.

The YHs service provision guidelines state that a child’s ability to consent (including withdrawal of consent) should be considered on an individual basis in line with the principles outlined in the ‘Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998’

DATE_CONSENT_PC Parent/Guardian: Consent Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date on which the person or people responsible for the care of the personal and property interests of of a child under the age of 18 years grant permission or agreement to receive services.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

Consent must be provided by signing a consent form, which will be provided by each Service Provider, and saved on file.

DISENGAGE Person: Disengage Indicator, X(5)

A code that indicates whether or not a child/young person has disengaged/exited the service.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The date the client exited is considered to have been disengaged from the service, in the format DD/MM/YYYY. Please also ensure that the exit date and exit reasons are provided if the CYP disengaged and exited the program.

DATE_DISENGAGE Person: Disengaged Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date a child/young person disengaged/exited the service.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The date the client exited is considered to have been disengaged from the service. Please also ensure that the exit date and exit reasons are provided if the CYP disengaged and exited the program.

REENGAGE Person: Reengage Indicator, X(5)

Whether or not a child/young person has reengaged with the service, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

Did the client re-engage with the service?

DATE_REENGAGE Person: Reengage Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date a child/young person reengaged with the service.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The date the client re-engaged with the service.

REENGAGE_REASON Person: Reengage Reason, Text X(180)

The reason why a child/young person re-engaged with the service.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

Provide a reason why the child/young person re-engaged with the service.

DATE_CP_COMPLETE Person: Case Plan Completed, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date a case plan for a child/young person has been completed

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The date the client re-engaged with the service.

DATE_CP_AGREEMENT Person: Case Plan Agreement, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date a case plan for a child/young person has been agreed by all parties.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The date that the case plan for the referred child/young person is agreed to by the child/young person, their parents/ carers, Youth Hope service supervisors and anyone else considered relevant, including doctors or any other specialists.

DATE_CP_CLOSURE Person: Case Plan Closure, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date a case plan for a child/young person has been closed without having been completed, after assessing options, service types and views of all parties. 

Note that when a case plan is completed, a date should be recorded against the item 'Date_CP_Complete'

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The date that the case plan for the referred child is completed by the service provider case worker after assessing options, service types and the views of all parties.

NO_SERV_T1 Person: Support Hours - Total, Hours N[NN]

Total number of support hours provided to a child/young person.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

Total number of support hours provided

Case Coordination service component includes all assessment, planning, monitoring, setting up referrals and review etc. and also life skills, therapeutic intervention, parenting supporting, fairly practical support and crisis intervention + time with referral partners

DATE_CP_R1 Person: Case Plan Review, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date a case plan for a child/young person was reviewed.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

Which best describes the progress up until the first case plan review.

CP_RP1 Person: Case Plan Review, Progress Description X(55)

Description of progress up until the first case plan review for a child/young person.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

Which best describes the progress up until the first case plan review?

DATE_SDM_RRA1 Structured Decision Making: Risk Re-Assessment, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date on which a key decision making process was undertaken to support a further check based on the original Risk Assessment with additional items that evaluate a family’s progress toward case plan goal.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

Date the first SDM Risk Re-Assessment was completed.

The date the first SDM Risk Assessment was completed and an outcome generated. The SDM Risk Re-Assessment can only be completed after meeting with the family.

SDM_RRAO1 Structured Decision Making: Risk Re-Assessment, Outcome Risk Code X(10)

A code that represents the outcome of a key decision making process to support a further check based on the original Risk Assessment with additional items that evaluate a family’s progress toward case plan goal.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

Outcome of the first SDM Risk Re-Assessment.

The outcome is automatically generated once the first SDM Risk Re-Assessment tool is completed.

DATE_SDM_SA_RR Structured Decision Making: Safety Assessment Re-Report, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date on which a key decision making process to determine whether the child/young person/unborn child is exposed to serious physical harm.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

Date the SDM Safety Assessment was completed for a re-report.

The date an additional SDM Safety Assessment was completed and an outcome generated. This field should be filled in when an additional Safety Assessment has been completed due to a new report, critical incident or new information arising that requires a new Safety Assessment.

SDM_SAO_RR Structured Decision Making: Safety Assessment Re-Report, Code X(50)

A code that represents the extent to which the child/young person/unborn child is exposed to serious physical harm determined by a key decision making process.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

Outcome of the SDM Safety Assessment for a re-report.

The outcome is automatically generated once the SDM Safety Assessment tool is completed. This field should be filled in when an additional Safety Assessment has been completed due to a new report, critical incident or new information arising that requires a new Safety Assessment.

DATE_SDM_RA_RR Structured Decision Making: Risk Assessment Re-Report, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date on which a key decision making process was undertaken to support the objective appraisal of the likelihood that a family will ill-treat their child/young person in the next 12 to 18 months.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

Date the SDM Risk Assessment was completed for a re-report.

The date the SDM Risk Assessment was completed and an outcome generated. This field should be filled in when an additional Safety Assessment has been completed due to a new report, critical incident or new information arising that requires a new Safety Assessment.

SDM_RAO_RR Structured Decision Making: Risk Assessment Re-Report, Outcome Risk Code X(10)

A code that represents the outcome of a key decision making process to support the objective appraisal of the likelihood that a family will ill-treat their child/young person in the next 12 to 18 months.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

Outcome of the SDM Risk Assessment for a re-report.

The outcome is automatically generated once the SDM Risk Assessment tool is completed. This field should be filled in when an additional Safety Assessment has been completed due to a new report, critical incident or new information arising that requires a new Safety Assessment.

DATE_EXIT Person: Youth Hope End Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date the client exited is considered to have been disengaged from the service, in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

EXIT_REASON Person: Exit Reason, Description A(60)

The reason a child/young person exited the service.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

The reason why the client exited the service. This only applies to child/young person whom had case plans developed for them. If the child/young person did not have case plans developed for them, please leave this field as blank.

1. Child/young person accepted by another jurisdiction: This is when the CYP has been transferred to another district, either participating in YHP or a different program altogether

2. Child/young person withdrawn from case plan: This is when the CYP no longer wishes to participate in the program and/or does not provide ongoing consent

4. Parent/Carer withdrawn: Same as number 2

5. Case plan goal achieved: CYP has successfully completed program and achieved all goals

6. Withdrawn from Early Intervention Program: This is when the CYP has been withdrawn from the program - the reasons may be clear or unclear. It is a generic option to select if others do not match

7. Child/Young person withdrawn by DCJ: This is when the Department of Communities and Justice removes the CYP from the program even if the cyp/parents have given consent and have been actively participating in the program

SP Organisation: Organisation Name, Text X(200)

The full title of an organisation's name by which it trades or is recognised, as represented by text.

QUARTER Record: Reporting Quarter, Financial Year - Code XN

A code that represents a quarter of a twelve month accounting period generated to represent the quarter to which the record relates.

Specific Information:

Program Specific Definition:

Relates to the quarter in which the provider submits data. A record can be provided in multiple reporting quarters.

INGESTTIME Record: DateTime Stamp, YYYY-MM-DD

A sequence of characters or encoded information identifying when a certain event occurred, on what day, and optionally including what particular time of day.

INGESTTYPE Record: Ingest Type, Label A(6)

File (data) ingestion process type, represented by a label.

FILENAME Record: Filename, Text X(200)

File name (data) ingested into BigQuery, represented by text.

BATCHID Record: Batch Id, Text X(200)

System generated identification generated when (data) ingested into BigQuery, represented by text.



Note for analysts regarding date formats
The dates in the Youth Hope Table were provided to the Department in the format DD/MM/YYYY. Raw collection data will contain dates in this format.
The data when loaded into BigQuery is transformed to conform to standard ISO 8601 formats usable in computer systems. Dates will follow YYYY-MM-DD format. DateTime values will be the same format as Dates, but have a time element of T00:00:00 automatically appended to them.