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Children and young people in Out-of-Home Care (OOHC) with Parental Responsibility (PR) to the Minister, PR to Minister (Protected Person), or Care Responsibility to the Secretary with no placement change in the last 12 months as a share of all children in PRM.

Counting Rules


Calculation rules


The numerator is the count of unique Child (legal order) Identifiers where the value for Parental Responsibility Group is equal to 'PR to Minister' or 'PR to Minister (Protected Person)' or 'Care Responsibilities to Secretary' with no changes in placements.  The Event Start Date is before or during the reporting period, and the Event End Date is empty. 

A change in Placement Type is calculated as a change in Group Hierarchy Level (e.g. from level 1 to level 2) or a change within the same level where the placement length is more than seven days and is not a Placement Purpose is not 'Respite.'

Group hierarchy level 1: Guardian, Parent/s - Adoptive, Parent/s - Both Parents, Parent/s - Father and Parent/s - Mother

Group hierarchy level 2: Supported Community Housing, Supported Independent living, Carer - Foster Carer, Foster Care-DoCS-Aboriginal and Foster Care - DoCS, 

Group hierarchy level 3: Foster Care-Agency-Aboriginal, Foster Care - Agency, Carer - Other Suitable Person, Disability - Group Home, Disability - Hospital, Disability - Residential, Carer - Relative or Kinship Carer, Kinship - Aboriginal - DoCS, Kinship - Aboriginal - Agency, Kinship - DoCS, Kinship - Agency, Independent Living - DoCS, Independent Living - Agency, Independent living, Lead Tenant - Agency, Lead Tenant - DoCS, Non-related person, Professional carer - Agency, Professional carer - DoCS, Share Care - Agency and Share Care - DoCS

Group hierarchy level 4: Intensive Foster Care - Agency, Intensive Foster Care - DoCS, Residential - DoCS, Residential - Agency, Residential Care, Family Group home, Secure Care, Family Group Home - Agency, Family Group Home - DoCS, Refuge / Supported Accommodation and Shared Household.

Additionally, Placement Type excludes those in the 'Absent - Location Unknown', 'Alternative Care Arrangement', 'Family Refuge', 'Hotel / Motel', 'Juvenile Justice', 'No placement or whereabouts recorded', 'Self-Placed - Not Authorised', 'Self-Placed - Not Authorised - Independent', 'Self-Placed - Not Authorised - Other Person/s', 'Self-Placed - Not Authorised - Parent/s' and 'Youth refuge '.

The denominator is the count of unique Child Identifiers where the value for Parental Responsibility Group is equal to 'PR to Minister' or 'PR to Minister (Protected Person)' or 'Care Responsibilities to Secretary.' The Event Start Date is before or as at reporting period, and the Event End Date is empty.


This indicator may be disaggregated by:

Geographic Breakdowns

Distribution/Table Path/Column Dashboard Filter Label
OOHC Reporting - Base Data Asset CM_RSP_HIST_DISTRICT District
  BUSINESS_UNIT Business Unit

* Cluster is a grouping of districts using district of case management responsibility variable.

Demographic Breakdowns

Distribution/Table Path/Column Dashboard Filter Label
OOHC Reporting - Base Data Asset ABORIGINAL_STATUS_FACS_GROUPED Aboriginality status
    Age group**
  GENDER Gender

*The Age of Child or Young Person when they enter is calculated as the Legal Order State Date less their Date of Birth in years. Entry Age is then grouped into the categories of '4 years and under', '5 - 12 years', '13 - 17 years' and '18+ years' and 'Age unknown or missing'.

The Operational Business Review disaggregates by District, Cluster, Business unit and Case management responsibility.

The Aboriginal-led Data Sharing: Child Protection and Out-of-home Care Statistics disaggregates by District and Aboriginality.

Unable to render indicator:internal_disaggregation



The stability of a placement or placements when children and young people are in Parental Responsibility to the Minister (PRM) has a significant impact on the child's wellbeing and outcomes. A high and increasing proportion of children and young people with the no placement changes in the previous 12 months is desireable.

Alignment: This does not align with external reporting.

DCJ - Domain
Out-of-Home Care

Reporting Information

The Operational Business Review reports monthly. 

The Aboriginal-led Data Sharing: Child Protection and Out-of-home Care Statistics reports annually.

Published by NSW Department of Communities and Justice.

Further Information


Data ageing:

  • Data ageing is two months, unless otherwise indicated. Therefore, the data for this measure will be available two months after the end of the month in which the data first becomes available.

Data changes:

Data limitations:

  • In 2017-18 changes were made to OOHC counting rules to better align those with national reporting and to also better reflect the legal status of clients in OOHC. The 2017-18 result for this measure is not directly comparable to historic data previously published.

Data source:

  • KiDS – Corporate Information Warehouse (CIW) for annual data up to 2016-17
  • ChildStory – Corporate Information Warehouse (CIW) for annual data from 2017-18.

Placement changes considered at placement level
A child is considered to have had a change if it is not a beneficial one. For example, if a child moves from Foster care to a self-placement, then that is a change. If a child moves from residential care to foster care, then that is not a change.
In addition to this, Boarding school, Camp, Hospital, Rehabilitation, Respite placements, and any changes less than 7 days in duration are not considered in the changes.
Any changes in the first 3 months of a child entering a PR period are not considered, as this may be due to adjustments in that period.