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Metadata.NSW (beta)
This table shows items related to the item INTEGERNUMBER.
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Showing 16 results.
Name Details Statuses
Age Group Label N
Value Domain
A code set representing age groups.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Australian State/Territory Code N
Value Domain
The code set representing Australian states and territories.
  • NSW Education Statistical Standards Committee: Candidate on
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Hours N[NN]
Value Domain
A count or measure of hours, in whole hours only.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
IFBS CSC Goal Code N
Value Domain
A code set representing the goals set by a Community Services Centre for an Intensive Family Based Services intervention.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Number NNN
Value Domain
The total, sum, count, or aggregate of a collection of units.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Record Count Code X
Value Domain
An indicator that a row in a dataset relates to a record.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Sequence number N(2)
Value Domain
The sequence number of the care category of same type in the child's life.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Total Australian currency N(10)
Value Domain
Total number of Australian dollars.
  • NSW Education Statistical Standards Committee: Candidate on
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Preferred Standard on
Total Australian Currency N(8)
Value Domain
Total Australian Currency N(8) -  Total number of Australian dollars and cents.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Preferred Standard on
Total Days N(5)
Value Domain
Total number of days.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Total number NN
Value Domain
The total number.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Total Number NNN
Value Domain
The total, sum, count or aggregate of a collection of units.
  • NSW Education Statistical Standards Committee: Candidate on
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Total number NNNN
Value Domain
The total number.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Total Weeks N(4)
Value Domain
Weeks expressed as an integer.  Example usages include expressing the number of weeks elapsed since a start date.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Total Weeks NN
Value Domain
Total number of weeks.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Years NNN.NN
Value Domain
Years expressed as a decimal number.  Example usages include expressing age calculated at a particular point in time.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on