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Metadata.NSW (beta)
This table shows items related to the item DATE.
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Showing 15 results.
Name Details Statuses
Value Domain
The day of a particular month and year.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Preferred Standard on
Value Domain
The month of a particular year.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Preferred Standard on
Value Domain
The calendar year, beginning on the 1st of January and ending on the 31st of December.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Preferred Standard on
Value Domain
The month of a particular year.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Value Domain
The date of a particular year, month and day.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
  • NSW Education Statistical Standards Committee: Candidate on
Value Domain
A calendar date in YYYY-MM-DD format
  • NSW Education Statistical Standards Committee: Candidate on
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Day DD
Value Domain
A day of a calendar month.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Day Label A(9)
Value Domain
The name of the day of a week
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Day of week N
Value Domain
The day of the week is the sequential day number starting with day 1 on Sunday
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Day of year NNN
Value Domain
The day of year (DOY) is the sequential day number starting with day 1 on January 1st.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Value Domain
Week number according to the ISO-8601 standard, weeks starting on Monday.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Month Label A(9)
Value Domain
A month of a calendar year.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Month MM
Value Domain
A month of a calendar year.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Week NN
Value Domain
Week number
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Value Domain
A calendar year, beginning on the 1st of January and ending on the 31st of December.
  • NSW Education Statistical Standards Committee: Candidate on
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on