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Metadata.NSW (beta)
This table shows items related to the item No/Yes Code N.
Items shown are based on your current permissions.
Showing 81 - 100 of 296 results.
Name Details Statuses
Assistance Reason: Transition from Other Care Arrangements, No/Yes Code N
Data Element
A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was due to recent release from a care institution such...
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Assistance Reason: Unable to Return Home Due to Environmental Reasons, No/Yes Code N
Data Element
A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was due to inability to return home for environmental reasons;...
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Assistance Reason: Unemployment, No/Yes Code N
Data Element
A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was due to unemployment, such as difficulties obtaining or maintaining...
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Date: Estimate indicator, No/Yes Code N
Data Element
An indicator of whether any component of a reported date was estimated.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
External Referral: Age Service Flag, No/Yes Code N
Data Element
A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for further care or...
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
External Referral: Caring Service, No/Yes Code N
Data Element
A code recorded as 'no' (0) and 'yes' (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for further care or services to...
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
External Referral: Community Service Flag, No/Yes Code N
Data Element
A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for further care or...
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
External Referral: Education and Employment Service Flag, No/Yes Code N
Data Element
A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for further education and...
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
External Referral: Employment Service Flag, No/Yes Code N
Data Element
A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for employment services to...
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
External Referral: Family Service Flag, No/Yes Code N
Data Element
A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for further family services...
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
External Referral: Housing Service Flag, No/Yes Code N
Data Element
A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for housing services to...
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
External Referral: Material Service Flag, No/Yes Code N
Data Element
A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for material wellbeing and...
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
External Referral: Mental Health Service Flag, No/Yes Code N
Data Element
A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for mental health, wellbeing...
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
External Referral: Money Service Flag, No/Yes Code N
Data Element
A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for financial resilience services...
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
External Referral: Other Service Flag, No/Yes Code N
Data Element
A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for other services to...
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
External Referral: Personal Service Flag, No/Yes Code N
Data Element
A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for personal and family...
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
External Referral: Physical Health Service Flag, No/Yes Code N
Data Element
A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for physical health services...
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
External Referral: Training Service Flag, No/Yes Code N
Data Element
A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for education and skills...
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Facility Type: Consent Indicator, No/Yes Code N
Data Element
A code that represents whether permission was granted to collect information about a facility being a previous place of residence in...
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on
Facility Type: No Residential Facility, No/Yes Code N
Data Element
A code that represents that no facility was a place of residence in the past 12 months.
  • FACSIAR Data Governance Committee: Standard on