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Employment Status Label - A label set representing categories of occupations.


Format A(17)
Maximum character length 17


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values WORKFULLTIME Paid work full time
WORKPARTTIME Paid work part time
UNPAIDWORK Unpaid work, including volunteering
NOTLOOKING Not working and not looking for work
UNEMPLOYED Unemployed (Not working but looking for work)
STUDYINGFULLTIME Studying full time
STUDYINGPARTTIME Studying part time


Employment status is classified into standard categories that are adapted from the data collection definitions used by Disability Employment Services in the Job Seeker Classification Instrument (JSCI).

Not working and not looking for work: This value is adapted from the 'NOT looking and NOT looking for work' value in the JSCI questions. It includes time spent in hospital, in psychiatric confinement or in prison or other detention (if not working while in prison or other detention) or overseas (if not working or looking for work while overseas). Job seekers who are participating in programs like Work for the Dole must be recorded as 'Unemployed (not working but looking for work)'.

Unemployed (not working but looking for work): This value includes job seekers who are participating in programs like Work for the Dole.

Caring: is defined as 'providing constant care to a child or an adult who has significant care requirements'.

Parenting: is defined as 'providing regular care to a dependent child or dependent children'.

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