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The type of out-of-home care placement, as represented by a group label.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Priority Placement Type Grouped label X(30) ".
Format X(30)
Maximum character length 30
Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values Foster Care A form of out-of-home care where the caregiver is authorised and reimbursed (or was offered but declined reimbursement) by the state/territory for the care of the child. (This category excludes relatives/kin who are reimbursed). There are varying degrees of reimbursement made to foster carers.
Independent Living Including private board and lead tenant households. This type of care is arranged and supported by the department e.g. rent and bills are paid for.
Non-related person
Others Used for placements that are not formal out-of-home care living arrangements. This includes situations where a child is on a third party parental order, or in a non-out-of-home care placement but on an order that transfers full or partial parental responsibility to an agent of the State.
Professional Foster Care Where the carers are paid a regular allowance for the child’s support by a government authority or non-government organisation. The carers are registered, licensed or approved as foster parents by an authorised department or non-government organisation.
Relative and Aboriginal Kinship Care Includes family members (other than parents or grandparents) or a person known to the child and/or family (based on a pre-existing relationship).
Residential Care Where placement is in a residential building whose purpose is to provide placements for children and where there are paid staff.
Supported Accommodation
Supplementary Values No placement or whereabouts recorded
Missing in Mapping
System Missing Where the type of care is not known.



See METeOR identifier: 314503

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