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Metadata.NSW (beta)


The primary use case for this TEI Consolidated Data Table is to describe the TEI metadata for a single table. TEI tables that were less dynamic in nature have been merged for ease of use. This is to assist teams to understand the metadata where there is a need for a single data table and to assist users to build their own customised table builder style dashboard. 

Data source details

Datasets This distribution is not linked to any datasets
Path name Data Element Definition Data Type Format
ClientACPR2015 Person: Area of usual residence, Aged Care Planning Region Code N(9)

The geographical region represented by an Aged Care Planning Region in which a person is usually resides.

ClientMB2016 Person: Area of usual residence, Mesh Block (MB) code (ASGS 2016) N(11)

The geographical region represented by a Mesh Block (MB) code set in which a person or group of people usually reside.

ClientSA12016 Person: Area of usual residence, Statistical area level 1 (SA1) code (ASGS 2016) N(11)

The geographical region represented by a Statistical area level 1 (SA1) code set in which a person or group of people usually reside.

ClientSA22016 Person: Area of usual residence, Statistical area level 2 (SA2) code (ASGS 2016) N(9)

The geographical region represented by a Statistical area level 2 (SA2) code set in which a person or group of people usually reside.

ClientSA32016 Person: Area of usual residence, Statistical area level 3 (SA3) code (ASGS 2016) N(5)

The geographical region represented by a Statistical area level 3 (SA3) code set in which a person or group of people usually reside.

ClientSA42016 Person: Area of usual residence, Statistical area level 4 (SA4) code (ASGS 2016) NNN

The geographical region represented by a Statistical area level 4 (SA4) code set in which a person or group of people usually reside.

ClientSTE2016 Person: Australian State/Territory Identifier, Code X(3)

The code that represents the Australian state or territory where a person can be located.

Disability Person: Disability Status, Category A(11)

The experience of disability, impairment or condition identified by a given person, represented by a label.

EX_AGE External Referral: Age Service Flag, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for further care or services to an external organisation for age-appropriate development where the client is seeking to improve age-appropriate development.

EX_CARING External Referral: Caring Service, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as 'no' (0) and 'yes' (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for further care or services to an external organisation for caring development where the client is seeking to improve caring.

EX_COMMUNITY External Referral: Community Service Flag, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for further care or services to an external organisation for community participation and network services.

EX_EDUCEMPL External Referral: Education and Employment Service Flag, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for further education and employment services to an external organisation.

EX_EMPLOYMENT External Referral: Employment Service Flag, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for employment services to an external organisation to change the impact of a client’s lack of employment on their independence, participation and wellbeing of a recommendation for further care or services.

EX_FAMILY External Referral: Family Service Flag, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for further family services to an external organisation.

EX_HOUSING External Referral: Housing Service Flag, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for housing services to an external organisation where the client is seeking to improve their housing stability or address the impact of poor housing on their independence, participation and wellbeing.

EX_MATERIAL External Referral: Material Service Flag, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for material wellbeing and basic necessities services to an external organisation where there is a need to address the client’s immediate lack of money and basic items needed for day-to-day living and to improve their independence, participation and wellbeing.

EX_MENTAL External Referral: Mental Health Service Flag, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for mental health, wellbeing and self-care services to an external organisation where the client is seeking to change the impact of mental health issues and self-care issues on their independence, participation and wellbeing.

EX_MONEY External Referral: Money Service Flag, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for financial resilience services to an external organisation where the client is seeking to improve financial resilience and change its impact to improve the client’s independence, participation and wellbeing.

EX_OTHER External Referral: Other Service Flag, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for other services to an external organisation where the client is seeking to change the impact of their independence, participation and wellbeing from a service other than Age, Caring, Community, Education, Employment, Family, Housing, Material, Mental Heath, Money, Personal, Physical and Training.

EX_PERSONAL External Referral: Personal Service Flag, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for personal and family safety services to an external organisation where the client is seeking to change the impact of personal and family safety issues on their independence, participation and wellbeing.

EX_PHYSICAL External Referral: Physical Health Service Flag, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for physical health services to an external organisation where the client is seeking to change the impact of their physical health on their independence, participation and wellbeing.

EX_TRAINING External Referral: Training Service Flag, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for education and skills training services to an external organisation where the client is seeking to engage with education and skills training to improve their independence, participation and wellbeing of a recommendation for further care or services to an external organisation.

FinYear Record: Financial Year, YYYY-YY

The fiscal year or twelve month accounting period, which in Australia commences 1 July of a given calendar year and ends 30 June of the following calendar year relating to a report.

IN_AGE Internal Referral: Age Service Flag, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for further care or services to an internal organisation for age-appropriate development where the client is seeking to improve age-appropriate development.

IN_CARING Internal Referral: Caring Service Flag, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as 'no' (0) and 'yes' (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for further care or services to an internal organisation for caring development where the client is seeking to improve caring.

IN_COMMUNITY Internal Referral: Community Service Flag, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for further care or services to an internal organisation for community participation and network services.

IN_EDUCEMPL Internal Referral: Education and Employment Service Flag, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for further education and employment services to an internal organisation.

IN_EMPLOYMENT Internal Referral: Employment Service Flag, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for employment services to an internal organisation to change the impact of a client’s lack of employment on their independence, participation and wellbeing of a recommendation for further care or services.

IN_FAMILY Internal Referral: Family Service Flag, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for further family services to an internal organisation.

IN_HOUSING Internal Referral: Housing Service Flag, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for housing services to an internal organisation where the client is seeking to improve their housing stability or address the impact of poor housing on their independence, participation and wellbeing.

IN_MATERIAL Internal Referral: Material Service Flag, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for material wellbeing and basic necessities services to an internal organisation where there is a need to address the client’s immediate lack of money and basic items needed for day-to-day living and to improve their independence, participation and wellbeing.

IN_MENTAL Internal Referral: Mental Health Service Flag, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for mental health, wellbeing and self-care services to an internal organisation where the client is seeking to change the impact of mental health issues and self-care issues on their independence, participation and wellbeing.

IN_MONEY Internal Referral: Money Service Flag, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for financial resilience services to an internal organisation where the client is seeking to improve financial resilience and change its impact to improve the client’s independence, participation and wellbeing.

IN_OTHER Internal Referral: Other Service Flag, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for other services to an internal organisation where the client is seeking to change the impact of their independence, participation and wellbeing from a service other than Age, Caring, Community, Education, Employment, Family, Housing, Material, Mental Heath, Money, Personal, Physical and Training.

IN_PERSONAL Internal Referral: Personal Service Flag, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for personal and family safety services to an internal organisation where the client is seeking to change the impact of personal and family safety issues on their independence, participation and wellbeing.

IN_PHYSICAL Internal Referral: Physical Health Service Flag, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for physical health services to an internal organisation where the client is seeking to change the impact of their physical health on their independence, participation and wellbeing.

IN_Training Internal Referral: Training Service Flag, No/Yes Code N

A code recorded as No (0) and Yes (1) that represents whether there is a recommendation for education and skills training services to an internal organisation where the client is seeking to engage with education and skills training to improve their independence, participation and wellbeing of a recommendation for further care or services to an external organisation.

LearnDis Person: Learning Disability Flag, Yes/No Label A(10)

A label that represents whether a person has an impairment of intellectual functions which limit a range of daily activities and restrict participation in a range of life areas, for example, but not limited to; dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dyslexia.

OrgName Organisation: Organisation Name, Text X(200)

The full title of an organisation's name by which it trades or is recognised, as represented by text.

OutletACPR2015 Organisation: Aged Care Planning Region, Code N(9)

The geographical region represented by a Statistical area level 2 (SA2) code set in which an organisation or agency is located.

OutletMB2016 Organisation: Statistical area, Mesh Block (MB) code (ASGS 2016), N(11)

The geographical region represented by a Mesh Block (MB) code set in which an organisation or agency is located.

OutletSA12016 Organisation: Statistical area, area level 1 (SA1) code (ASGS 2016), N(11)

The geographical region represented by a Statistical area level 1 (SA1) code set in which an organisation or agency is located.

OutletSA22016 Organisation: Statistical area, level 2 (SA2) code (ASGS 2016), N(9)

The geographical region represented by a Statistical area level 2 (SA2) code set in which an organisation or agency is located.

OutletSA32016 Organisation: Statistical area, level 3 (SA3) code (ASGS 2016) N(5)

The geographical region represented by a Statistical area level 3 (SA3) code set in which an organisation or agency is located.

OutletSA42016 Organisation: Statistical area, level 4 (SA4) code (ASGS 2016), [NNN]

The geographical region represented by a Statistical area level 4 (SA4) code set in which an organisation or agency is located.

OutletSTE2016 Organisation: Australian State/Territory Identifier, Code X(3)

A code that represents the state/territory services by a service provider organisation.

PhysicalDis Person: Physical Disability Flag, Yes/No Label A(10)

A label that represents whether a person has an impairment, which may have diverse effects within and among individuals, including effects on physical activities such as mobility. This grouping includes physical disability, for example; paraplegia, quadriplegia, muscular dystrophy, motor neurone disease, neuromuscular disorders, cerebral palsy, absence or deformities of limbs, acquired brain injury, neurological disability (including epilepsy, dementias, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease).

PsychDis Person: Psychiatric Disability Flag, Yes/No Label A(10)

A label that represents whether a person has an impairment associated with clinically recognisable symptoms and behaviour patterns frequently associated with distress that may impair personal functioning in normal social activity, for example, but not limited to; Asperger syndrome, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism, behavioural disorders, bipolar, depression, eating disorders, epilepsy, manias, phobias, schizophrenia, somnias.

SensDis Person: Sensory Disability Flag, Yes/No Label A(10)

A label that represents whether a person has a vision disability (blindness, vision impairment); hearing disability (deafness, hearing impairment that cause severe restrictions in communication); deaf-blind (dual sensory impairments causing severe restrictions in communication); speech disability (speech loss, impairment which causes severe restrictions in communication).

OutletName Organisation: Outlet Name, Text X(200)

Text by which the nearest administrative premises is known or called where staff are based, and where they are likely to be travelling from to deliver services of the organisation engaged to provide services and/or care.

ActivityName Targeted Earlier Intervention (TEI) Program: Program Activity Name, Code X(40)

The label that represents the type of program aimed at supporting vulnerable children, young people, families and communities in NSW, early in life and early in need, to minimise the escalation of vulnerabilities, and reduce the likelihood of children entering the child protection system.