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The Standard outlines the various address-related elements and provides guidance on the application of those elements to the range of address site types.

(2.2.2) Mandatory address components
An assigned address shall comprise the following core address components:
(a) Address number - (i) This component may include sub-address elements, or a suffix where applicable;  (ii) Although labelled as a ‘number’ it may include other characters as specified in the Standard.
(b) Road name - (i) The road name shall include the road type; (ii) An address shall not include more than one road name.
(c) Locality name
(d) State/territory name

(2.2.4) Optional and conditional address components
An assigned address may include the following additional components:
(a) Unit type - where assigned for a sub-address site.
(b) Level type and number - where assigned for a sub-address site in a multi-level building.
(c) Address site name - building name or descriptive name.
(d) Postcode - four digit postcode issued by Australia Post.
(e) Country

Metadata items in this Data Set Specification

Below is a list of all the components within this Dataset Specification.
Each entry includes the item name, whether the item is optional, mandatory or conditional and the maximum times the item can occur in a dataset.
If the items must occur in a particular order in the dataset, the sequence number is included before the item name.

Data Elements
Reference Data Element Data Type Length Inclusion #
Address: Road Number, Identifier X(6) ALPHANUMERICSTRING 6 mandatory
Address: Road Name, Text X(46) CHARACTERSTRING 46 mandatory
Address: Road type, Code AAAA ALPHASTRING 4 mandatory
Address: Suburb/Town/Locality Name, Text X(46) CHARACTERSTRING 46 mandatory
Address: Australian State/Territory Identifier, Code X(3) ALPHASTRING 3 conditional
Address: Australian postcode, code (Postcode datafile) NNNN NUMBERSTRING 4 optional
Address: Unit Number, Identifier X(7) ALPHANUMERICSTRING 7 optional
Address: Floor/Level Type, Code AAAA CHARACTERSTRING 4 optional
Address: Address Site Name, Text X(50) ALPHANUMERICSTRING 50 optional
Address: Country Name, Code X(4) CHARACTERSTRING 4 optional


Proper recording of address information and the availability of that information enables addresses to be readily located through the use of suitable information systems.

This Standard provides requirements and guidance for addressing authorities to use for:
(a) assigning addresses;
(b) naming roads and localities;
(c) recording and mapping the related information; and
(d) signage related to the above.

The goal of this Standard is to specify requirements for assigning addresses that can be readily and unambiguously identified and located.
In order to achieve this goal, the objectives of the Standard are that:
(a) Localities enable addresses to be uniquely and clearly identified.
(b) Assigned names for roads or other primary means of access enable addresses to be readily and uniquely identified.
(c) Assigned address numbering enables address sites to be readily located.
(d) Signage enables assigned addresses to be readily identified and located.
(e) Address information enables sites to be readily located.
The Standard aims to keep addresses as simple as possible to enable their ready application. For example an address is not allowed to include two road names, such as within complexes like a retirement village (addressing within a complex is now treated using normal address methodology). Provisions for numbering apartments using the method commonly used in hotels are now specified, thereby avoiding the need to specify level or unit type.
The data elements covered comprise party identification, person details, organisation details, addressing, and electronic contact details.


This Standard was prepared by the Street Address Working Group of the Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping (ICSM) for the Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand Committee IT-004, Geographical Information/Geometrics, to supersede AS/NZS 4819:2003, Geographic information - Rural and urban addressing.

There was some overlap with the Australian Standard for exchange of address information AS 4590, Interchange of client information. The dependence on that Standard has been removed. A future revision of AS 4590 will be able to address any reverse dependence so that both Standards can be used independently.

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