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Label for main concern reported to the Helpline


Format X(100)
Maximum character length 100


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values Alcohol abuse by carer
Alcohol use by child or YP
C/YP is danger to self /others
Carer Concern - Domestic Violence
Carer Concern - Mental Health
Carer Concern - Substance Abuse
Carer in prison
Child inapprop Sexual behaviou
Child/n or YP/s Abandoned
Child/Young Person is a Danger to Self and/or Others
CYP Self Harming behaviour
Danger to Self or Others
Death of child/n, non accident
Death of sibling, non accident
Developmentl disability, carer
Drug abuse by carer
Drug use by child or YP
DV - Domestic Violence
DV Child/n exposed to violence
DV, Child/n harmed intervening
Emotional state of carer
Failure to Thrive, non-organic
Financial problems of carer
Gambling problem of carer
Inadequate Clothing
Inadequate Nutrition
Inadequate Shelter or homeless
Inadequate Supervision for age
Legal Guardianship issues
Medical treatment not provided
Neglect - Education - Habitual Absence
Neglect - Education - Not Enrolled
Neglect - Education (habitual absence)
Neglect - Education (not enrolled)
Neglect - Food
Neglect - Hygiene/Clothing
Neglect - Medical care - Medical Professional
Neglect - Medical Care - Non-Medical Professional
Neglect - Medical Care for Medical Professionals
Neglect - Medical Care for non-Medical Professionals
Neglect - Mental Health Care
Neglect - Physical Shelter or Environment
Neglect - Physical Shelter/Environment
Neglect - Supervision
Neglect EDU: Habitual Absence
Neglect EDU:C/YP Not Enrolled
Neglect: Hygiene
No Harm or Risk issues
Persistent caregiver hostility
Physical Abuse
Physical disability of carer
Physical: Hit, kick, strike
Physical: other
Physical: Poisoning
Physical: Shaking baby/child
Physical: Strangle/suffocate
Physical: Throwing baby/child
Prenatal Report
Psychiatric disability, carer
Psychological Harm
Psychological mistreatment
Relinquish Care
Relinquishing Care
Request for Supported Care
Risk of physical harm/injury
Risk of Psychological harm
Risk of sexual harm/injury
Runaway child/young person
Sexual Abuse - Child/Young Person Problematic Sexual Behaviour Toward Others
Sexual Abuse - Sexual Abuse of Child (age 0-15 years)
Sexual Abuse - Sexual Abuse of Young Person (age 16-17 years)
Sexual Abuse of Child (age 0-15 years)
Sexual Abuse of Young Person (age 16-17 years)
Sexual Penetration
Sexual: Exposure pornography
Sexual: Indecent acts/molest
Sexual: Non-phys exploitation
Suicide risk for child
Suicide risk/attempt of carer
Unauthorised OOHC arrangement
Unborn Child

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