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A code set from DSS (see fdp-child-protection-prod:tei_bdm.tei_service_type ) representing the main focus of service delivery at a given session.


Format N(4)
Maximum character length 4


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Intake, assessment
2 Information, advice, referral
3 Education and Skills training
4 Child, Youth focussed groups
5 Counselling
6 Dispute Resolution
7 Supervised change over, contact
8 Advocacy, Support
9 Records Search
10 Community Capacity building
11 Outreach
12 Mentoring, Peer Support
13 Family Capacity Building
14 Access to Money Loans
15 Food Parcels and Food Vouchers
16 Material Goods
17 Health care assistance
18 Transport assistance
19 Utility bills assistance
20 Rent or Mortgage assistance
21 Facilitate Employment Pathways
22 NDIS access
23 NDIS eligible
24 NDIS ineligible
25 Respite
26 Carer Support
27 Brokered Respite
28 Brokered Carer Support
29 ATSI Health Worker
30 Dietitian or Nutritionist
31 Diversional Therapy
32 Exercise Physiologist
33 Occupational Therapy
34 Ongoing Allied Health and Therapy Services
35 Other Allied Health and Therapy Services
36 Physiotherapy
37 Podiatry
38 Psychologist
39 Restorative Care Services
40 Social Work
41 Speech Pathology
42 General House Cleaning
43 Linen Services
44 Unaccompanied Shopping
45 Car Modifications
46 Communication Aids
47 Medical Care Aids
48 Other Goods and Equipment
49 Reading Aids
50 Self Care Aids
51 Support and Mobility Aids
52 Garden Maintenance
53 Major Home Maintenance and Repairs
54 Minor Home Maintenance and Repairs
55 Home Modifications
56 Meals at Centre
57 Meals at Home
58 Nursing
59 Food Advice, Lessons, Training and Food Safety
60 Food Preparation in the Home
61 Assistance with Client Self Administration of Medicine
62 Assistance with Self Care
63 Social Support Group
64 Accompanied Activities
65 Telephone, Web Contact
66 Visiting
67 Client Advocacy
68 Continence Advisory Service
69 Dementia Advisory Service
70 Hearing Services
71 Other Support Services
72 Vision Services
73 Direct Transport
74 Indirect Transport
75 Advocacy Financial and Legal
76 Assessment Referrals
77 Centre Based Day Respite
78 Community Access Group
79 Residential Day Respite
80 Overnight Community Respite
81 Community Access Individual Respite
82 Host Family Day Respite
83 Host Family Overnight Respite
84 In Home Day Respite
85 In Home Overnight Respite
86 Mobile Respite
87 Other Planned Respite
88 Access to Money Matched Savings
89 Access to Money Business Loan
90 Business Planning
91 Transportation services
92 Family mediation
93 Goal setting
94 Resource development
95 Governance
96 Community Engagement
97 Service System Capability Capacity
98 Social participation
99 Material aid multiple items, parcels or vouchers
100 Intensive support
101 Basic home security upgrades
102 Technological safety upgrades
103 Venue visits
104 Employer engagement
105 Hydrotherapy
106 Hoarding and Squalor
107 Specialist support
108 General workshop
109 Multicultural workshop
110 Indigenous workshop
111 Settlement services workshop
112 Disability workshop
113 Awareness session 2 hour
114 Awareness session 1 day
115 Awareness session brothers standing tall
116 Elearning online workshop
117 Tailored workshop
118 Advocacy External Review
119 Advocacy Internal Review
120 Systemic Local
121 Systemic National
122 Systemic State
123 The absolute basics
124 Get to know your device
125 Getting started online
126 Safety first
127 More online skills
128 Connecting to others
129 Intake assessment medium intensity
130 Intake assessment high intensity
131 Information, advice, referral medium intensity
132 Information, advice, referral high intensity
133 Education and skills training medium intensity
134 Education and skills training high intensity
135 Mentoring, peer support medium intensity
136 Mentoring, peer support high intensity
137 Family Capacity Building medium intensity
138 Family Capacity Building high intensity
139 Facilitate employment pathways medium intensity
140 Facilitate employment pathways high intensity
141 Behavioural insights
143 Service review
144 Accommodation assistance
145 Facilitate English learning pathways
146 Fundamental life skills
147 Community sector coordination
148 Community sector planning
149 Indigenous community engagement
150 Indigenous social participation
151 Indigenous advocacy support
152 Indigenous healing workshop
153 Indigenous supported playgroups
154 Parenting programs
155 Supported playgroups
156 Current tenant subsidy
157 Social Housing tenant
158 Tenancy Management
159 Awareness Session
160 Disability eLearning
161 Interpreter workshop
162 Core component completed
163 Legal advice
164 Property mediation

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Data Elements implementing this Value Domain 1