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A code that represents the main reason a person seeks assistance from a SHS agency.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Reasons for Seeking Assistance Homelessness code NN ".
Format NN
Maximum character length 2
Value Meaning Definition Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Financial difficulties - person sought assistance because the person had insufficient money to pay for accommodation, food, bills or other essentials; if the person has adequate financial resources but has difficulties managing these resources; or if the person doesn't have the financial resources to meet rental commitments.
2 Housing affordability stress - person sought assistance as a result of the current rent on the leased property being too high, or they are having difficulty meeting mortgage repayments, creating stress with general living expenses.
3 Housing crisis (e.g. eviction) - person was formally evicted from his/her previous accommodation arrangement (for example, by a landlord or public housing official) or if the person was asked to leave their previous accommodation (for example, if the person was asked to leave by flatmates).
4 Inadequate or inappropriate dwelling conditions - person sought assistance as a result of household stress from overcrowded, unsuitable or unsafe dwelling conditions.
5 Previous accommodation ended - person’s previous accommodation was no longer available (for example the breakup of a group home or rental property being sold by the owner).
6 Time out from family/other situation - person needed some time away from his/her family or if the person needed some time away from non-related individuals.
7 Relationship/family breakdown - person sought assistance because of the dissolution of a spouse/partner relationship or other family relationship.
8 Sexual abuse - person sought assistance as a result of sexual abuse inflicted on the client by a family member or non-related individual.
9 Domestic and family violence - person sought assistance as a result of physical or emotional abuse inflicted on the person by a family member.
10 Non-family violence - person sought assistance as a result of physical or emotional abuse inflicted on the client by a non-related individual; or if the person was homeless or sought assistance as a result of violence or a threat of violence inflicted by a non-related individual.
11 Mental health issues - person sought assistance because of their mental health. This does not include a situation in which the person sought assistance as a result of another person’s mental health issues.
12 Medical issues - person sought assistance because of any conditions that are, or have been treated or diagnosed by a health professional.
13 Problematic drug or substance use - person sought assistance as a result of his/her drug related problem. This does not include a situation in which the person sought assistance as a result of drug abuse by another person.
14 Problematic alcohol use - person sought assistance as a result of his/her alcohol related problem. This does not include a situation in which the person sought assistance as a result of alcohol use by another person.
15 Employment difficulties - person is experiencing difficulties or changes to their employment, that negatively impacts on their ability to work or on their life outside work. This includes cases where employment difficulties are creating current or future financial problems. Examples include difficulty maintaining employment; recently losing employment, or a change in employment conditions, such as reduction in pay/hours etc.; bullying or harassment; unsafe employment conditions, (i.e. health safety risks), or unfair or illegal workplace practices/conditions (i.e. excessive workload, inflexible hours).
16 Unemployment - person sought assistance because of difficulties obtaining or maintaining employment and is currently unemployed.
17 Problematic gambling - person was homeless or sought assistance because they had insufficient means to cover the cost of living as a consequence of a one-off instance or an ongoing gambling problem.
18 Transition from custodial arrangements - person was recently released from a custodial institution such as a prison.
19 Transition from foster care and child safety residential placements - services provided to children and young people under 18 years of age who are in need of care and protection. This service provides alternative overnight accommodation for children and young people who are unable to live with their parents. These arrangements include foster care, placements with relatives or kin, and residential care.
20 Transition from other care arrangements - person was recently released from a care institution such as a hospital or disability care arrangement..
21 Discrimination including racial discrimination - person was homeless or sought assistance because of discrimination based on their sex, age, race, religion or other personal attributes.
22 Itinerant - person was moving from place to place or had no fixed address.
23 Unable to return home due to environmental reasons - person is unable to return home due to environmental reasons; (e.g. wet season flooding).
24 Disengagement with school or other education and training - person sought assistance for their difficulty with engaging within their education or training, creating difficulties for the person to establish connection with community and develop skills that will help them for future employment.
25 Lack of family and/or community support - person has no family or community support structure which has led them to seek agency support.
26 Other - person sought assistance because s/he recently arrived in the area (from another town or another country) and had nowhere to stay; if the person’s previous accommodation was no longer available (for example, the death of a family member); if the person sought assistance as a result of his/her sexuality or sexual identification, or if the person is seeking assistance for a reason not listed above. The reason should be specified.
Supplementary Values 99 Not stated/Inadequately described/Did not report a main reason for seeking assistance

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Relation Count
Input in Derivations 0
Output in Derivations 0
Inclusion in Data Set Specifications 1
Inclusion in Data Distributions 6
As a numerator in an Indicator 2
As a denominator in an Indicator 0
As a disaggregation in an Indicator 0