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A label (description) representing the reason a case management plan was closed.


Format X(50)
Maximum character length 50


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values Adoption application declined
Adoption application withdrawn
Adoptive application cancelled
After Care Support Concluded
Assessment of risk indicates no further intervention required
Assessments indicate Child/Young Person is not in need of Care and Protection
Assistance provided
Auth carer applicion cancelled
Auth carer applicion declined
Auth carer applicion withdrawn
Child/Young person accepted by another juris
Child/Young person withdrawn from case plan
Carer authorisation cancelled
Case Merged
Case plan goal achieved
Child/Young person accepted by another state or territory
Child/Young person restored
Child/ren or young person/s and/or family unable to be located
Child/Young person court order accepted by another State, Territory or New Zealand
Child/Young person deceased
Child/Young person died
Child/Young person moved out of state
Child/Young person restored
Child/Young person unable to be located
ChildStory Migration
Client declines to engage (for voluntary clients)
Client relocated
Client withdrawn (for voluntary clients)
Court order expired
Criteria for intervention no longer met
Criteria for statutory intervention no longer met
Current competing priorities
Dissatisfaction with service
Family Action Plan goal achieved
Family member withdrawn
IN need of Care & Protection ' Family preservation case management program
IN need of Care & Protection ' Other Government Agency
IN need of Care & Protection ' Other Service Provider
Interstate liaison service provided
Interstate support concluded
JIRT 16-18yrs to Local Police
Legal support concluded
No Capacity to Allocate
No longer providing a service
No longer receiving a service
Other participant withdrawn
Parent/carer withdrawn
Plan goal achieved
Referred to external agency for case management
Rolled forward
Withdrawal from EI Program

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