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Relation of the person to the presenting unit head, as represented by a code.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Relationship Code ".
Format NN
Maximum character length 2
Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Self - client presents by themselves | The client is the presenting unit head
2 Spouse/partner - A client has a relationship to the presenting unit head akin to a ‘married’ or ‘partner’ relationship. This includes same sex couples
3 Parent/guardian - The client is the parent or guardian of the presenting unit head
4 Child - The client is a natural or adopted child, or ward, of the presenting unit head
5 Step child - The client is the stepchild of the presenting unit head
6 Foster child - The client is the foster child of the presenting unit head
7 Sibling - The client is either the brother or sister of the presenting unit head
8 Aunt or Uncle - The client is either the aunt or uncle of the presenting unit head
9 Niece or nephew - The client is either the niece or nephew of the presenting unit head
10 Grandparent - The client is a grandparent of the presenting unit head
11 Grandchild - The client is the grandchild of the presenting unit head
12 Other relative - The client is a more distant relative to the presenting unit head; for example, cousin or second cousin
13 Unrelated person - If the client is unrelated to the presenting unit head but is a flatmate or co-tenant, record them in the category ‘Unrelated flatmate or co-tenant’ | The client accompanying the presenting unit head is not related to them | Includes those clients who are friends of the presenting unit head
14 Unrelated flatmate or co-tenant - The client is not related to the presenting unit head and is either a flatmate or co-tenant with the presenting unit head
15 Other relationship - The client has another type of relationship to the presenting unit head that has not been described above | Specify the relationship in the space provided
Supplementary Values 99 Dont know - The information is not known or the client has refused to provide the information


This is collected because:
• it is important to understand the composition of different groups of people who request homelessness services
• by finding out the relationship of each client to the presenting unit head, a picture of the presenting unit can be formed.

How to complete
• After identifying the presenting unit head, record each client’s relationship to that unit head.
• If Other relationship is selected, ask what the relationship is and record it.
• In situations where the support period start date is after the presenting unit head’s support period start date, you can only record the relationship to the presenting unit head while the presenting unit head has an open support period.

Further information
• Very young children are unlikely to be clients presenting by themselves (which means that they are a presenting unit head). If you intend to record this information, it is suggested that you refer to your records to verify whether the child is in fact presenting by themselves (the presenting unit head).

In order to understand the composition of a group presenting to your agency, it is important to know how people within this group interrelate to one another. This is done by selecting a presenting unit head from among members of the presenting unit. Anyone within the group may be selected to be the presenting unit head but the group member best suited to the role is the person who has the strongest relationship with all other group members.
Below are some guidelines for selecting a presenting unit head:
• If a person presents alone, he/she is the presenting unit head.
• If there are child(ren) under 18 in the group/family, the presenting unit head is generally the person who is:
  – the parent/guardian representing any child(ren) under 18
  – the most direct relation to any child(ren) if there is no parent/guardian present.
• If there are no child(ren) under 18 present, the presenting unit head could be:
  – the spouse/partner of another person within the presenting unit
  – related in some way to another person within the presenting unit
  – the person with the strongest relationship with all other group members if the presenting unit is a group of unrelated people.

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Relation Count
Input in Derivations 0
Output in Derivations 0
Inclusion in Data Set Specifications 0
Inclusion in Data Distributions 1
As a numerator in an Indicator 0
As a denominator in an Indicator 0
As a disaggregation in an Indicator 0