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Metadata.NSW (beta)


Text by which the nearest administrative premises is known or called where staff are based, and where they are likely to be travelling from to deliver services of the organisation engaged to provide services and/or care.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Text X(200) ".
Format X(200)
Maximum character length 200


Collection and usage attributes

Guide for use:

An organisation may have multiple names. Naming standards for incorporated companies are defined in the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), Schedule 6 of the Corporation Regulations.

Collection methods:

If special characters or symbols form part of the name they should be included. This includes all characters from the standard printable ASCII character set such as the letters AZ, hyphens, commas, apostrophes, @, # etc, as well as the non-standard or extended ASCII characters such as ü, á, é, ®, ™etc. Mixed case should be used rather than upper case only.

Relational attributes

Related metadata references:

Supersedes Service provider organisation (name)— organisation name, text [X(200)] Community Services, Superseded 06/02/2012, Health, Standard 04/05/2005, Early Childhood, Superseded 09/03/2012

Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Organisation details data dictionary Community Services, Standard 06/02/2012


Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia.


METeOR identifier: 453823

Related content

Relation Count
Input in Derivations 0
Output in Derivations 0
Inclusion in Data Set Specifications 1
Inclusion in Data Distributions 6
As a numerator in an Indicator 2
As a denominator in an Indicator 1
As a disaggregation in an Indicator 0